Clearing & Tidying
The Clearing & Tidying Team have just completed a big project in Ryde Cemetery, which they were pleased to undertake for Bereavement Services.
In the Old Parish Cemetery section there is an extremely large Bay Tree, with many off-shoots growing from within the railings of a grave. There was an enormous amount of overgrowth attached and surrounding the Bay Tree, which stretched over many other graves. Our project was to completely remove all the overgrowth and cut the Bay Tree back as much as we were able. It looked a daunting task, but the clearing team tackled it with great enthusiasm.

Bay Tree & area after clearing
After many weeks of back-breaking work, the hoped-for result was achieved with much pride in a job well done. The newly uncovered graves are now able to been seen by relatives and other interested parties.
The Bay Tree and off-shoots still remain standing very tall, as they would be a professional job to remove. The clearing team can now watch that area to make sure it doesn’t get into a difficult state again.
We would like to say “Well Done to the Clearing & Tidying Team, a Great Job.”
Attached are photographs before and after the work