Remembrance service 2023
Barbara Hunt, the RSHG Chair, welcomed guests to the 3pm Annual Remembrance Service on Saturday 11th November held in the South Chapel at the West Street Cemetery. The Chapel was full with over 30 people attending, with the Rev Kerry Birch from the Baptist Church leading the worship.
Josh attended for the Sea Cadets with their Standard, with Tom from the Royal Marines, who marched in at the beginning of the service. One of Ryde Social Heritage Group members, Julie Jordan wrote and read a poem “The Last Farewell. ” After this we had the 2 minutes’ silence with the Last Post and the Reveille.
Refreshments were served in the North Chapel with time to talk and catch up with friends. We felt it to be a very good service in remembrance of those who fought and died to give us our freedom.
Images: B. Hunt