A Christmas Production – December 1955
At the Esplanade Pavilion on Friday week and Saturday the 2nd of December, Ryde Sea Scout Group (Admiral Calthorpe’s Own) presented their fifth annual dramatic entertainment, and this year chose a musical play by Ralph Reader, entitled “Story of Mike.”
It was a tale of a reformatory schoolboy whose desire for revenge on another lad is nullified by the effect of scouting on his character. Both the dramatic and the humorous side of the piece were played to the full, and the singing and action of the boys and the excellent pace at which the play was taken reflected great credit on all who took part, particularly on Mr. W. Mansbridge, who, until recently was group leader, and undertook the production.
There were lively choruses and the solo work by John Laker was most creditable. There were several praiseworthy individual performances and outstanding were those of Len Shore, Mick Mitchell, Terry Vigar, Alan Kent, Len Monk, John McComb, Brian Read, Chris Doxat, and Rob and Geoff Lane.
The scenery was prepared by Dave Wheeler and Bill Bayley, and Mr. J. C. Warman, of the Bellevue Players, helped with the make-up.
The musical accompaniments were provided by Eileen Merkel (piano) and Eric Bull (drums).
The Misses M. Orchard and M. Holland gave valued assistance behind the scenes, and the house arrangements were superintended by Mr. H. G. Blake (hon. Secretary) and Mr. R. Vigar (hon. Treasurer)
The Mayor and Mayoress (Ald. and Mrs. G. J. Evans) were among the first night audience.
At the conclusion Group Scoutmaster N. S. Squibb expressed thanks to those who had assisted with the production, the proceeds of which were for the group funds.
Source: IW County Press 3 Dec 1955
Image: 2nd Ryde Sea Scouts, courtesy of Barry Groves
Article: Ann Barrett