Members Meeting & Social Morning January 2024
This last Saturday the 13th January, 2024, we had our 1st Members Meeting of 2024 in the George Street Centre, Ryde. We had a good number of members join us, 27 in fact with 11 visitors, even though it was a very cold morning. The chair, Barbara Hunt gave a warm welcome to everyone as well as our quest speaker Tim Wander. After the business part of the meeting, we had our raffle and then refreshments, when we had time to socialize and have a good natter.
After this, around 11.15. Barbara introduced Tim and handed over to him to do his presentation “Culver Cliff and The Isle of Wight at War. We had some amazing slides and a lot of information to take in, which was enthralling. Tim was thanked for his talk with a good round of applause.
Image: Barbara Hunt