Social Morning & AGM October 2024
We were pleased to see a good amount of members turn up at the Baptist Church, George Street, on Saturday 5th October, for the RSHG Quarterly Social Morning. Also, two visitors came along to join us. It was a good opportunity for people to meet and there was plenty of chat going on. Everybody enjoyed the refreshments, especially the home-made cakes, which were absolutely delicious. The raffle as usual was participated in.
Richard Smout (President) was in the chair. The short business of the yearly AGM didn’t take long, when the following people were proposed and voted onto the committee again unanimously by a show of hands.
Michael Parsley (Treasurer)
Margaret Truckel (Minutes Secretary)
Ann Barrett (Membership Secretary).
The minor amendments to the Constitution were proposed and accepted by the members present.
The speaker, Mark Earp, certainly gave us all an excellent talk called Cornucopia (No. 1), “Innovation, Idealism and Identity.” Mark’s clear and friendly way of putting it across and dotted with a little humour, which had everybody chuckling, went down very well indeed. The talk was given an enthusiastic round of applause at the end which was justly deserved.
Thank you to everyone who helped make the day run smoothly. All in all, a good morning was had by everybody.
Ann Barrett