Ryde Cemetery
Child Gwendoline James
Title: Child
Forenames: Gwendoline
Surnames: James
Date of Birth: 01/01/1873
Date of Death: 01/03/1874
Age at Death Months: 8
Map Reference Number: RSHG 029 C2
Plot Number: Ryde Old Cemetery Section N Plot 2005
Grave Description: Carved stone headstone leaning forward. Some lichen.
Grave Condition Description: Poor
Other Information: Only the name can be read - the other details are heavily weathered and may be wrong......... Ann amended date on 14/06/2008, source: IW and General Registrars birth records and burial.
Old Website Grave ID: 5508

Gwendoline James
Died March?
Aged 8? months
Remainder illegible
Related Documents:
PDF file: Birth; Death; Burial: Census.''References from the IW Registrars birth and death registers, burial details and 1881 census showing family.''
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