Ryde Cemetery
Mr George Dyer
Title: Mr
Forenames: George
Surnames: Dyer
Date of Death: 09/07/1880
Age at Death Years: 27
Map Reference Number: RSHG 010 D3
Plot Number: Ryde Old Cemetery Section OP Plot 2162
Grave Description: Double plot, simple kerb, intact, grass top. Lancet shaped headstone simple decoration
Grave Condition Description: headtone tipping slightly to north and east
Old Website Grave ID: 1644

In Loving Memory
George DYER
who died July 9th 1880
aged 27 years
Also of his mother
Ann Dyer
who died March 17th 1906
in her 80th year
It is the Lord let him do
what seemeth Good
Gone before leaving us an example
Also of his sister
Fanny Elizabeth Dyer
Died Sept 19th 1917 aged 69
Also of his brother
William Henry Dyer
Who fell asleep November 30th 1922
aged 72 years
For God so loved the world that he gave
his only begotten son
that who so ever believeth in him should not perish
but have everlasting life
And of his sister Anne DYER
Died April 6th 1929 aged 72 years
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