Binstead Cemetery
Mr George Peabody Russell
Title: Mr
Forenames: George Peabody
Surnames: Russell
Date of Death: 23/06/1909
Burial Date: 26/06/1909
Age at Death Years: 75
Grave Type: Vault
Map Reference Number: RSHG B015 D3 / RSHG B016 D1
Plot Number: Binstead Old Cemetery Row A - B Plots 19 to 23
Grave Description: Large brick mausoleum over vault, wooden door with padlock
Grave Condition: Poor
Grave Condition Description: Ivy growing over entire building, part cleared by IWC contractors January 2012. The door to the mausoleum is padlocked, location of key unknown.
Other Information: There is no inscription on the outside of this mausoleum. George Peabody Russell, Gentleman, age about 75, died 50 Brook Street, Mayfair, London, buried 26 June 1909 - Source: Register of Burials.
Mr Russell is the only burial in this grave although it was built with room for 9 - Source: IW Council Bereavement Services, vault purchased by George Peabody Russell 25 August 1879 - Source: Register of Purchased Graves.
Completed date, source: Probate Calendar.
Mr Russell is the only burial in this grave although it was built with room for 9 - Source: IW Council Bereavement Services, vault purchased by George Peabody Russell 25 August 1879 - Source: Register of Purchased Graves.
Completed date, source: Probate Calendar.
Old Website Grave ID: 10239
Related Documents:
PDF file: Creditors noticePDF file: General information
PDF file: National Probate Calendar
PDF file: Estate notice IW Observer
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