Binstead Cemetery
Mr Walter Sydney Lyon
Title: Mr
Forenames: Walter Sydney
Surnames: Lyon
Date of Death: 12/07/1896
Burial Date: 15/07/1896
Age at Death Years: 41
Grave Type: Unmarked
Map Reference Number: RSHG B014
Plot Number: Binstead Old Cemetery Plot number not known
Other Information: Walter Sydney Lyon, MA Lincoln, Oxford, age 41, died at Binstead, buried 15 July 1896 - Source: Register of burials. Ann completed date, source: Registrars and Probate records.
We note the spelling discrepancy of Sidney/Sydney in various records
We note the spelling discrepancy of Sidney/Sydney in various records
Old Website Grave ID: 13921

There are currently no photographs.
Related Documents:
PDF file: National Probate CalendarPDF file: Details submitted by Antony Barton
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