Ryde Cemetery
Forenames: Unknown
Surnames: Ferguson
Map Reference Number: RSHG 004 C3
Plot Number: Ryde Old Parish Cemetery 1 No Plot Number
Grave Description: Coffin shaped monument with cross laid on top, sat on a stone plinth, with a foot and headstone and kerbing that holds iron railings.
Grave Condition Description: Headstone has fallen back on to another grave and top part is broken off. Two pieces of kerbing have broken off and are now stacked up on the south side. Only two corner posts on the north side remain intact. One corner post is laid in amongst the jumbled mess. I was unable to find any inscription on the grave and was only able to make out the name THOMAS BENYON.
Other Information: Bereavement Services map shows Ferguson in this Plot. Thomas Benyon is almost certainly an overburial.
Old Website Grave ID: 542
Related Documents:
PDF file: Census; Death; Burial.''Entry from the 1871 census, death notice from the IW Observer and the details from the burial register.''
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