April 1866
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Apr 7th 1866: EASTER HOLIDAYS – As a proof of the way in which the public made use of the means of enjoyment, and the inducements held out, we may call attention to the large number of passengers on the railway for the week ending March 31st, being close upon 6,000, while the actual receipts were over double that of the corresponding week last year. The Steampacket Companies and coach proprietors also realised a good harvest.
Apr 7th 1866: MUSICAL SOCIETY – We hear that the second concert of the Amateur Musical Society, which has hitherto been, from various causes, unavoidably postponed, will positively take place on Tuesday evening next, and promises to be equal in all respects to and even more fully attended than the last.
Apr 14th 1866: CHIMNEY SWEEPERS ACT – An Act to amend the Regulation of Chimney Sweepers, first paragraph: It shall not be lawful for a chimney sweeper to employ a child under the age of ten years to do or assist in doing any work or thing in or about the trade or business of such chimney sweeper elsewhere than within the house or place of business of such chimney sweeper, or the yard or buildings (if any) connected therewith.
Apr 14th 1866: RYDE COMMISSIONERS – The Burial Board proposed and was seconded, that the seal of the Board was affixed to the exchange of land between the Board and the Lind estate, also the grants of several lots of land for burials. Some inscriptions on headstones were approved. The Board of Commissioners broke up at 11 o’clock, being the longest and one of the most stormy sittings on record.
Apr 21st 1866: NOTICE OF REMOVAL – Mrs. BUTLER in announcing her removal, to the offices, No. 1 Colonnade, so long occupied by Mr. J. H. HEARN, takes the opportunity of thanking her patrons for their kind support. The rapidly-increasing circulation of this journal renders it a still more desirable medium for advertisements, to which she respectfully directs attention. “Isle of Wight Observer” Office, April, 1866.
Apr 21st 1866: WANTON MISCHIEF – We are informed on good authority, that on Sunday evening last a man, woman, and two children, were seen in the Cemetery, and that the children, in the presence of their parents, stripped a grave which is regularly supplied with flowers, and broke a small vase. There must be some sad dereliction of duty on the part of those who have to look after the place. We commend this matter to the attention of the Cemetery Committee.
Apr 28th 1866: BUILDING – Tenders were invited for the new building in Lind-street, for the Young Men’s Christian Association, The lowest tender of £691 from Mr. Isaac BARTON, was accepted, and operations have already commenced by clearing out the ground for the foundations.
Apr 28th 1866: ST. THOMAS’S CHURCHYARD – A great improvement may be effected in this now unused place by the cleaning and gravelling of the walks, with a few small trees planted so as to form an avenue. The removing of the verandah and widening the pavement in St. Thomas’s-square renders the church and graveyard still more interesting objects, to strangers especially.
Apr 28th 1866: SKETCH – We have been favored with a view of a water folio-sketch, by Mr. H. J. LEWIS, of this town, of the Swedish vessel Fahle Bure, recently wrecked at Sandown Bay. It is a spirited and faithful representation of the debris of that unfortunate vessel, and reflects the greatest credit on our talented townsman.
Apr 28th 1866: LIBERAL OFFER – Mr. Wiltshire, tailor, of High-street, having purchased the premises lately occupied by Mr. SPEARING, in High-street, to meet the increasing requirements of his trade, has commenced making alterations, and made a liberal offer to the Improvement Committee of Ryde Commissioners by giving fifteen inches of pavement, which is much required in that thriving thoroughfare.