April 1867
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Apr 6th 1867: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS – The prosperity of the town in the increase of its buildings, especially when of a good class. Several excellent properties are in course of construction for Mr. D. BARNES in George-street. The block of buildings in Union-street, which we lately noticed, and the large hotel on the Esplanade, by Mr. J. KEMP, are also amongst the most recent improvements.
Apr 6th 1867: ST. THOMAS’S CHURCHYARD – The trees around this ground having been cut during the past week, affords an opportunity for the renewal of our suggestion, that the paths should be gravelled, and a row of chestnut trees planted. Standing in the centre of the town, it may have a very pretty appearance.
Apr 6th 1867: REGISTRAR OF MARRIAGES – This office, which has been held by Samuel YOUNG for many years past, has been resigned by him, and the appointment conferred on Mr. A TUTTE, of Oakfield.
Apr 6th 1867: NEW ISSUE – A second edition of the Rev. Hooker WIX’s work on “Ritualism, or Ritualistic Worship,” has just been issued, with an appendix in answer to the reply of the Rev. W. H. GIRDLESTONE’s pamphlet, issued a short time since, both of which are easily attainable in Ryde.
Apr 13th 1867: ABOMINABLE NUISANCE – A memorial from inhabitants of High-street, numerously signed, was read to the Commissioners, setting forth that there was a kennel of dogs in that locality, which prevented people from sleep, and was in every respect a nuisance. A long conversation ensued. Ultimately it was arranged that the owner should be written to before any proceedings were taken in the matter.
Apr 13th 1867: ADVERT – Messrs. E. and A. DEBENHAM, from Regent-street, beg to announce that they are about to re-open the well-known Photographic Studio at No. 6 Royal Arcade, Ryde, for the production of high-class photographs of every description. Miniatures, possessing delicacy and purity.
Apr 13th 1867: ADVERT – Weeks’ Road, near the Infirmary, Ryde.–To be Sold or Let, three houses in this pleasant locality.—Apply to Mr. W. JACKMAN, builder, Haylands, near Ryde.
Apr 20th 1867: BATHING STAGE – The genial month of May is rapidly approaching, the time for getting the bathing stage in order for the ensuing summer. It has now for several seasons been proved to be a great boon to the inhabitants. We are happy to hear, therefore, that the Bathing Committee are fully prepared.
Apr 20th 1867: QUEEN VICTORIA’S DESCENDANTS – The birth of a son to the Princess Christian on Sunday last raises the total of Her Majesty’s grandchildren to ten—six grandsons and four granddaughters.
Apr 20th 1867: RUSSIAN MEN-OF-WAR OFF RYDE – A screw frigate and two corvettes from the Pacific for the Baltic arrive a few days ago, and were received with the usual honors, which were duly returned. A number of men from each ship have been on shore each day, and although some instances of drunkenness has occurred, a few men had to be wheeled down the pier on trucks, generally speaking they were orderly.
Apr 27th 1867: RE-OPEN – It is expected to re-open Nelson-street Chapel on Thursday evening next. The chapel is being considerably improved by the erection of an outer porch, windows on the north side, and new palisading, gates, &c.; and its appearances both inside and out, will be very greatly improved.
Apr 27th 1867: VALUE OF PROPERTY – We understand that the properties in Pier and Castle-streets, lately held by Mrs. BARKHAM, which were put up by public auction at Yelf’s hotel on Thursday by Mr. J. E. SCOTT, realized the sum of £1,600.
Apr 27th 1867: ANNUAL SOIREE – We beg to remind our readers that the annual tea and concert, in connection with the St. Marie’s Young Men’s Society, takes place at the Victoria-rooms on Tuesday next, the 30th. This is one of the many excellent annual gatherings in Ryde, and a good programme is arranged.