April 1868
Isle of Wight Observer:
Apr 4th 1868: WANTED – in a small, genteel family, where two female servants are kept, a good Plain Cook, of the Established Church of England; thoroughly well principled. A good character from her last situation absolutely necessary. Age from 26 to 36. Wages £17 per annum and washing; no extras.—Address, W., Post Office, Ryde.
Apr 4th 1868: LONDON BANKRUPTCY COURT – Re Charles TAYLOR:–The bankrupt had carried on business as lime burner and brickmaker, at Ashey-road, Ryde. He petitioned the court ascribing his failure to losses in trade and want of capital. Unsecured debts are £758; secured debts £400; no assets; property held as security, £600.
Apr 4th 1868: PRESENTATION AT COURT – Amongst the presentations at the Queen’s drawing room on Wednesday last, we read the name of Miss PAKENHAM MAHON.
Apr 11th 1868: CALAMITY – We have fortunately very few fires in our immediate neighbourhood. It is a lamentable thing, however, that whenever such a calamity occurs considerable delay in getting a supply of water invariably leads to a large destruction of property. Any one who was early at the scene of the late fire in Dover-street could vouch for the fact, that had there been a supply of water the fire could have been extinguished in less than five minutes.
Apr 11th 1868: EASTER MONDAY – In consequence of the review on Monday, most of the tradesmen of Ryde have signified their intention of closing their respective establishments on that day, in order to afford those in their employ an opportunity of witnessing the Volunteer review, or availing themselves of the attractions within their reach.
Apr 11th 1868: OVERCHARGING – Letter to the Editor.—Having seen by the papers a great deal of squabbling (if I may so term it) about hotel keepers overcharging the visitors to the review, I cannot refrain from expressing my thoughts publicly and saying that a more loyal and patriotic body than the hotel keepers of the Isle of Wight does not exist, and that I, as one of them (although some distance from the scene), rather than increase shall reduce my tariff to those who might visit me.…William Bay NORRIS (Alum Bay)
Apr 18th 1868: SUDDEN DEATH – On Thursday last Mr. W. WHITTINGTON, of the Prince of Wales inn, High-street, was serving in his bar, when he fell down in a fit and expired in a few minutes. The deceased was respected by a large circle of friends, and deepest sympathy is felt for his sorrowing family.
Apr 18th 1868: TEA PARTY – Good Friday was celebrated by the Primitive Methodists of Star-street Chapel by holding a public tea meeting at the Town-hall. An excellent tea was placed on the table at half-past 4, to which 200 persons (the majority of whom belonged to the fair sex) sat down.
Apr 18th 1868: WANTED – A respectable person. A situation as Maid to an elderly lady. Understands dressmaking. Ten years’ character from last situation.—Apply Mrs. BUTLER’s Register Office for Servants, Colonnade, Lind-street, Ryde.
Apr 25th 1868: RAPID DELIVERY – The Postmaster-General again called the attention of the public to the increased facility with which letters could be delivered if householders would only adopt the very simple and inexpensive plan of having a letter-box affixed to their doors, which could be done at a very moderate cost and promote not only their own convenience, but that of their neighbours.
Apr 25th 1868: CRAIG v CARPENTER – Claim for £1.0s.9d. Defendant said she only owed Mr. CRAIG 3d. The other was due to Mr. MAIR, who was dead. She was willing to pay the right person (laughter).—Plaintiff having purchased the debts obtained a verdict for 5s. a month.