April 1870
Isle of Wight Observer:
Apr 2nd 1870: ST. JOHN’S CHURCH – In consequence of the rapid increase of the population in the St. John’s district, a consultation has been held with the architect, and it has been proposed to extend two transepts 15ft. wide each, thereby affording 100 additional sittings. Also, the desirability of providing a new exit gate on the west side of the grounds, as well as renewing the adjoining dilapidated wall.
Apr 9th 1870: TOWN SLIPWAY – The alterations in the town slipway, rendered necessary by the extension of the pier tramway, are now so far advanced that the character of the work when completed can be fully open. The incline is considerably less, and the whole work is carried a great deal further into the sea. There is nothing whatever to prevent vessels loading or unloading the same as in former times.
Apr 9th 1870: IMPROVEMENTS AT THE R.V.Y.C. – Now that every vestige of the Old Manor House has been swept away, a large piece of land on which the contemplated improvements are to be carried out is open to view. The managing committee seem to be pushing on with all possible despatch and we imagine that many of the gentlemen who visit Ryde for a few weeks only during the yachting season will scarcely know the place again after so great a change in the above locality.
Apr 9th 1870: MAGISTERIAL BUSINESS – It looks well for the morality of the town and district that at the sitting of the Borough Bench on Monday there were no prisoners for trial. The same remark applies to the sitting on Tuesday, when there were no cases whatever to engage the attention of the magistrates.
Apr 16th 1870: RYDE MAN FAR WEST – Most of our readers will remember Old Will YOUNG, the town crier some years. This old man and his family emigrated to the “States” about ten months ago, and from the glowing accounts sent home of the condition of the working man in the “Far West,” other members of the family have been induced to follow. Old Mr. YOUNG and family are quietly settled on a farm which they have been enabled to purchase since their arrival.
Apr 16th 1870: A REFRESHER – On Tuesday afternoon, as one of the men employed on the George-street slipway, was moving some gravel from the edge of the slipway, he fell into the water and got a pretty good ducking. He was soon extricated, more frightened than hurt.
Apr 16th 1870: PETTY SESSIONS – Cases this week: Thomas BEVIS of the Hand-in-Hand, 2 defective measures; Jane SAUNDERS of a shop in High-street, similar offence; William BEAZLEY, baker of High-street, a defective weight; Robert COLE, butcher, hanging meat outside his house and obstructing the pavement; Susannah TAYLOR, a poor miserable-looking cripple, who was not long since imprisoned for begging, was brought up again on a similar charge.
Apr 16th 1870: ROYAL I.W. INFIRMARY – We call attention to the fact that from increased demands on this institution, the committee are in want of funds to meet current expenses. The report of the Isle of Wight Infirmary for the present year will show a larger number of in and out-patients than ever—hence the necessity for additional subscriptions.
Apr 23rd 1870: THE CUCKOO – As a proof that summer is fairly setting in, we may mention that the cuckoo is heard every day in Ryde and its neighbourhood.
Apr 23rd 1870: EASTER HOLIDAYS – Never did finer weather shed its beneficent rays o’er the Island than that which we have experienced during the Easter holidays. Sunny skies and balmy breezes have visited us with each returning morn, in consequence of which we have had a large influx of visitors, to the great advantage of our hotel and shopkeepers, steamboat companies and the Isle of Wight Railway Company.