Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

April 1871

Hampshire Telegraph – Agent at Ryde Mr THURLOW

Apr 1st 1871:  SCHOOL BOARD – A letter from the Education Department, which stated that the results of the next census for the district would be placed at the disposal of the board, if they wished to ascertain the correct number of children, but the sum of 7s. per 1,000 children would be charged for the information.

Apr 5th 1871:  BOROUGH POLICE COURT – On Monday, a respectably dressed young man was summoned for singing an indecent song on the Esplanade, on the 24th ult. Capt. DEAR gave evidence in support of the charge, as did also Police-constable TWYMAN.  Defendant was dismissed with a caution.

Apr 8th 1871:  RECOVERED – COOMBES the bill-sticker, who was as we stated at the time, suddenly struck dumb in the High-street some few weeks since, has recovered the use of his tongue, after being speechless for seventeen days.  He is now to be seen plying his avocation as actively as ever.

Apr 8th 1871:  SUCCESS – The School of Art is now progressing satisfactorily under the master, Mr. W. S. CROSBIE.  The classes are well attended, and there is every prospect of the undertaking being a complete success.

Apr 8th 1871:  1ST (RYDE) I.W. VOLUNTEERS – There was a full-dress officers’ parade on Wednesday evening.  The men fell in at the market-house at six o’clock, and were each served with fifteen rounds of blank ammunition.  Headed by their band (led by Mr. A. AYLWARD, the new bandmaster), they marched to the field adjoining the range at Binstead, where they were drilled as a battalion, and instructed in skirmishing, by the adjutant (Capt. MCGROTTY), in preparation for the review at Brighton on Monday.

Apr 15th 1871:  SERMON – “Nehushtan” was the title of a discourse, in connection with the total abstinence cause, delivered in Christ Church, George-street, Ryde, on Tuesday evening, by the Rev. J. Gelson GREGSON, of Portsmouth.  There was a numerous attendance.

Apr 15th 1871:  PIER COMPANY AND THE FORESHORE – At a public meeting the resolution was passed:  that the tramway works now being carried out by the Pier Company will be highly detrimental to the interests of this borough as a first-class seaside resort will be entirely altered, and the value of property in it much depreciated by the works; that the Council of this borough to take steps as may be necessary to stop the further progress of the works as now contemplated.

Apr 22nd 1871:  LECTURE – On Tuesday evening Mr. I. J. BARNARDO, hon, superintendent of the Juvenile Mission and Home for Destitute Boys, addressed a public meeting in the rooms of the Ryde Young Men’s Christian Association, giving a number of interesting particulars of his work in the east end of London among the lowly and outcast.  His descriptions of his wood chopping and city messenger brigades, of his homes for working lads and ragged schools, soup kitchens, &c.

Apr 22nd 1871:  IMPENDING PURCHASE – A public meeting of the inhabitants of Ryde was held at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, to consider the exorbitant price asked by the directors of the Gas Light and Coke Company for the purchase of their works by the Town Council.  It was argued that the works ought to have been purchased before the passing of the Act which gave the company power to open the streets to lay down the mains.

Apr 26th 1871:  BOROUGH POLICE COURT – James WADHAM, a porter, was charged with leaving his horse and cart unattended on the Binstead-road, on the 15th inst.  The horse was cropping the herbage in the hedge, and the cart standing across the road, so that no other conveyance could pass. –Fined 5s. with costs.

Apr 29th 1871:  INJURED – On Monday evening a young man named TANNER, hailing from “the other side of the water,” and engaged at the new theatre, playfully appropriated the bag of a marine-store dealer, and ran with it up the ladder.  On nearing the top he missed his hold, overbalanced himself, and fell a considerable distance.  He was much hurt about the back and ribs, and was taken to the Royal Isle of Wight Infirmary, where his injuries were promptly attended to.