April 1872
Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde
Apr 13th 1872: RYDE AMATEUR MUSICAL SOCIETY – The sixteenth of this society’s concerts was given at the Townhall on Tuesday evening. The attendance was not as numerous as usual, probably in consequence of there being two or three other matters going on in the town on the same evening.
Apr 13th 1872: IW PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY – On Wednesday afternoon the Rev. C. A. BURY delivered the first of a series of lectures on the “Vertebrate animals of the Island,” at the museum of the above institution
Apr 17th 1872: SPLENDID GIFT – Our public-spirited townsman Mr. Vivian A. WEBBER has commissioned Mr. A. W. FOWLES to paint another picture for the Town Hall. It is to be much larger than either of the three now hanging on the walls, and will be the fourth picture presented to the borough by Mr. WEBBER. The subject is to be “The old and new navy.”
Apr 17th 1872: CHORAL FESTIVAL – We understand that the annual festival of all the choirs in the Island will this year be held at Ryde in the month of June. The morning service will be at All Saints Parish Church, and that in the afternoon at Holy Trinity Church.
Apr 17th 1872: RYDE BOROUGH SESSIONS – John RICHARDS was convicted of stealing some grease and bones, value 1s., the property of Valentine HANN, of High-street, ~Ryde, and being an old offender was sentenced to twenty-one days’ hard labour.
Apr 24th 1872: RAILWAY – News received by telegram on Monday, says our correspondent, that the Bill for authorising a railway between Ryde and Newport had passed the House of Lords Committee, was received with general satisfaction. Such a means of communication is becoming more necessary every day.
Apr 24th 1872: YACHTING PRIZES – The committee of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, being desirous of offering a prize at their forthcoming regatta a piece of plate, superior to that usually given for yachting competitions, recently subscribed the sum of five hundred guineas for that purpose.
Apr 24th 1872: ST. JAMES’S SCHOOLS – These schools have recently undergone some alterations and repairs, and two new windows have been added. The schools have also passed into the management of Mrs. Thomas DASHWOOD, who has kindly given the children a tea in the schoolroom, when about 100 were present. Each child on leaving was presented with a book, an orange, and a piece of plum cake.
Apr 24th 1872: LOCAL LIQUIDATION – Re William ROBEY, hairdresser, Ryde. First meeting of creditors at the offices of Messrs. SOLE, TURNER, and TURNER, solicitors, 68 Aldermanbury, London. Solicitor for the debtor, Mr. H. R. HOOPER, of Newport, Isle of Wight.
Apr 24th 1872: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – General BEECHER has taken Yarborough Villa, Pelham-field, for twelve months from the 1st of May; Mr. and Mrs. REID have arrived at Wenman House, Strand; Mr. H. and Miss GOODE on Friday had a large and fashionable evening party.
Apr 27th 1872: RYDE SCHOOL OF ART – Our townsman, Mr. Vivian A. WEBBER, President of the School of Art, has given another proof of his generosity by placing £100 to the fund for the enlargement of the School of Art.
Apr 27th 1872: BOARD OF GUARDIANS – At a meeting of the board held at the union on Thursday, Mr. ELMAN, relieving officer of Ryde district, said the doctors BEATON and MEARS were opposed to the use of alcoholic stimulants, and that accounted for the small amount of these stimulants supplied in the Ryde district.