April 1873
Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde
Apr 9th 1873: BOOT THEFT- Norah and Isabella WOODFORD of Newport were charged with obtaining boots from Mr CHICK of High Street. Prosecutor stated that the prisoners came to the shop wanting boots for approval for Mrs WITHERS of Summer-Lawn. They selected 2 pairs. Prosecutor was about to give them odd boots, keeping the others, but prisoners required to have the pairs. He told them that was not the custom and they then took the two odd ones. Prisoners were committed for trial at the Winchester Sessions.
Apr 9th 1873: R.V.Y. CLUB – A special meeting of the members of this club will be held on the 16th inst. To elect a Commodore in the room of Mr. C. THELLUSSON, resigned.
Apr 16th 1873: YACHTING – It is stated that Prince Arthur has purchased the yacht Clutha, late the property of Mr C BRETT, and that His Royal Highness will take part in the coming regattas.
Apr 16th 1873: RYDE SCHOOL OF ART- Result of late exhibition in which a number of lent works of art and objects of vertu were displayed, states that visitor numbers amounted to nearly 5000 over the 6 days the exhibit was open. After this success the committee propose for arranging another exhibition in December. In connection with such it has been announced that Her Majesty the Queen has promised a loan of works of art from the Royal collection a ‘concession which the committee feel cannot but add importance and attraction to the exhibition of this year’.
Apr 16th 1873: BANK HOLIDAY – Easter Monday was observed as a general holiday in Ryde, when most of our townspeople left home for a day’s outing, but many others paid us a visit, so that the town was full throughout the day.
Apr 19th 1873: A BULLOCK IN A SHOP- On Thursday a bullock ran into the shop of Mr GILLING, ironmonger, and frightened some customers and the assistants. The animal, however, quietly turned round and walked into the street.
Apr 19th 1873: ROYAL VICTORIA YACHT CLUB – At the general meeting of members, on the 16th instant, the Marquis of Exeter was elected Commodore and Mr. R. SUTTON Vice-Commodore.
Apr 23rd 1873: RYDE BOROUGH POLICE COURT – Robert PALLISER was summoned for having his billiard room open for the sale of excisable liquors after 11 o’clock on the night of Saturday, the 12th inst. Police-sergeant HOLLOWAY said a waiter was taking away two empty glasses when he entered the room and he should think there were twelve or fourteen persons coming out of the room. The case was dismissed.
Apr 30th 1873: RECEPTION OF THE RADICAL CANDIDATE AT RYDE – A meeting for the purpose of introducing the new liberal candidate the Hon. Evelyn ASHLEY. ASHLEY, once private secretary to one of the greatest statesman of the age, appeared before the audience to attack the current Conservative government whose present government ‘had reduced the national expenditure and increased national expenses’. The chairmen had no hesitation in proposing a vote of confidence in him describing their present member as being ‘rather worn out’ adding ‘he thought it would be better to have a younger man.’
Apr 30th 1873: DEATH NOTICES – On the 16th inst., at Ryde, IW, Sarah Ann, wife of Mr. George KNAPP, aged 28; On the 19th inst., in Union-road, Ryde, IW, Mr. H. FORD, aged 29; On the 17th inst., at Ryde, IW, Miss Emily BASKETT, aged 57; On the 17th inst., at Ryde, IW, Louisa, wife of Mr. Ashford WADE, aged 36.