April 1874
Isle of Wight Observer:
Apr 4th 1874: LIFEBOAT EXERCISE – Coxwain SOTHCOTT and the crew of the Hans Busk lifeboat, had their quarterly exercise on Monday morning, when a good fresh breeze was blowing. The men proved as efficient as ever in going through the usual course of exercises, and the state of the boat, &c., was proved satisfactory. A present of 10s. forwarded by Lady Georgina CHOLMONDELEY, was added to the men’s pay.
Apr 11th 1874: RHYMEO’S PICKWICK PARTY – This party of amateurs from Portsmouth gave their entertainment at the Victoria-rooms on Wednesday evening, consisting of a concert of vocal and instrumental music and the trial scene of “Bardell versus Pickwick” from the works of Charles DICKENS. Those present were evidently pleased with the efforts of the performers, who had to labour under a disadvantage arising out of the fact that a wrong set of dresses had been sent down from London.
Apr 11th 1874: THE PIER – What would Ryde be without its pier? What would Easter Monday at Ryde be without the pier? The town of Ryde is very much indebted to the pier for its attractiveness, and on Monday last (Easter Monday) a great number of visitors to the town availed themselves of the opportunity to use one of the best sea-side promenades in the world.
Apr 11th 1874: ACROSS THE SOLENT – Many of our visitors from the interior of the mainland dread the crossing of the short span of water separating this “beautiful Isle of the sea” from its mother country, and we feel sure that for the sake of our timid friends who suffer from such a complaint we ought to be very grateful indeed to the directors of the Portsmouth and Ryde Steampacket Company for providing the public with such a fleet of well-equipped vessels as are now running.
Apr 11th 1874: ACCIDENT – On Saturday evening last, Mr. Chas. WALE, baker, of Haylands, accidentally fell and broke his leg. He was conveyed to the Royal Isle of Wight infirmary, and we hear he is progressing favourably.
Apr 18th 1874: A ROYAL VISIT – On Tuesday afternoon about 5 o’clock, Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by H.I.H. the Duchess of Edinburgh, and another member of the Royal family, honoured Ryde with a visit. Passing down High-street, and Union-street, the Royal party drove along Pier-street and the Esplanade, along various other streets and thence to the Royal Marine palace.
Apr 18th 1874: THEATRE – It will be seen that Mr. and Mrs. H. Nye CHART, with their celebrated Brighton company and grand ballet troupe intend opening our pretty little theatre for a short season. Mr. Nye CHART, although possessing no local habitation among us, carries us back to the days of the revered Mr. and Mrs. BARNETT, with whom he trod the boards of our then miniature theatre.
Apr 18th 1874: AMATEUR MUSICAL SOCIETY – This society will hold their 19th concert at the Town-hall, on Tuesday, the 28th inst., when Sullivan’s “Prodigal Son” will be performed with band accompaniment.
Apr 25th 1874: NO NAVAL REVIEW – Many of our readers will be disappointed to learn that on authority of the Times, it is stated that it is not intended to have a naval review on the occasion of the visit of the Emperor of Russia to this country. His Majesty having, it is said, expressly requested that his visit may be considered a private one.