Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

April 1909

Isle of Wight Observer

Apr 3rd 1909: GYMNASTICS DISPLAY – With the object of assisting the funds of the County Hospital and the Ryde District Nursing Association, a gymnastics display is to be given in the Town Hall, on Wednesday evening next, by the pupils attending Mr. T. H. FITZGERALDS’s Gymnasium, in Melville-street.

Apr 3rd 1909: RYDE BOWLING CLUB – This club are arranging an attractive list of fixtures, some of which will take the teams further afield than last year. Bowlers are anxiously awaiting the arrival of warm days so that they may once more pursue the ancient game.

Apr 3rd 1909: COUNTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE – Since this committee was formed in 1906 the amount paid in salaries of teachers, has risen from £15,733 to £21,171 and in the same period they have spent £32,779 on the erection and furnishing of school buildings.

Apr 3rd 1909: COMPETITION – The spoons presented for weekly competitions among the Ryde Territorial marksmen, were this week won by Lance-Corporal STEERS, of the trained men, and Rifleman CLARKE, of the recruits.

Apr 3rd 1909: CHOIR – It is proposed to form a ladies’ choir for the three hours service on Good Friday, as it is hardly fair to expect the ordinary choir to undertake it in addition to the other hard work at this season.

Apr 3rd 1909: ADVERTISEMENT – WOODFORD SCHOOL (formerly Modern School), for the daughters of gentlemen, 12 Lind-street, Ryde. Branch of Woodford School, Albany-road, Southsea. Principal… Miss Beatrice JOHNSON.

Apr 10th 1909: ROYAL VICTORIA YACHT CLUB – The Commodore of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club (Mr. Cyril POTTER) has decided to revive the race round the Isle of Wight, which was the principal event at the annual regatta, and he is giving a handsome cup to be sailed for by the schooners on Monday August 9th.

Apr 10th 1909: OUTING – A number of people went down the Pier on Monday evening to go by special boat to the Coldstream Guards Concert at Portsmouth, but on reaching the Pier it was discovered that there had been a mistake somewhere, as the boat did not start.

Apr 10th 1909: POST OFFICE – It is proposed to close the sub-post office in West-street at 2’oclock on Thursdays, unless the Town Council raise objections.

Apr 17th `1909: RYDE LICENSING APPEAL – At the Hants Quarter Sessions on Thursday last, was an appeal by Elizabeth SYLVESTER, the tenant, and Messrs. MEW LANGTON & Co., the owners, against the refusal of the Ryde Licensing Committee, to renew the license of the “Hand in Hand” an ante-69 beer house in Nelson-place, Ryde…… Appeal allowed and license renewed.

Apr 17th 1909: RECOVERY – Having recovered from a long illness, Mr. John FARDELL returned to his usual seat as Clerk to the Magistrates in the Police Court, on Tuesday morning.

Apr 17th 1909: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – In accordance with recommendation of the committee, plans deposited by Mr. E.S.WHITEWOOD for erection in Millward-road of five villas, were approved.

Apr 24th 1909: ARCADE BADMINTON CLUB – The club has now concluded a successful season. The meetings during the winter have been well attended, and the membership has been increased. While a credit balance remains in the hands of the hon. Secretary Mr. Charles FOWLER.

Apr 24th 1909: THE FORESHORE – The first load of chalk consisting of some 90 tons for the new groyne was deposited on the foreshore this week, and the operations of the workmen who pounded the chalk into solidity directly it was unloaded, was watched by a number of interested spectators. Work on it will commence at once.

Apr 24th 1909: RALLYING RYDE – It would be well if Ryde people imitated their neighbours in their interest in the welfare of their town, and did their best to enhance Ryde’s popularity.

Apr 24th 1909: P.S.A. – Mr. W.S.TREGEAR, B.A., (Sandown) was the speaker at the weekly meeting of the P.S.A. on Sunday. Messrs. TAYLOR and F.W.BROWN led the devotions, Mr. G.. RUSSELL recited and Miss May CARLEY was the soloist. Mr. E.T.MINTER, J.P., presided.

Apr 24th 1909: WRITTEN ACCOUNT – Mr. Arthur DAVIES, formerly of Ryde, who is well-known as a theatrical manager, contributed an account of a cruise he took on the Jap last summer, to last weeks issue of the Yachting Weekly.