April 1910
Isle of Wight Observer
Apr 2nd 1910: IMPROVEMENTS AT THE GARDENS – The Corporation have decided to make a fresh entrance at the Eastern Gardens, near the Bowling Club Pavilion. It will be of considerable service when bands are playing from the bandstand, and access to the gardens from Dover-street entrance impeded by chairs. The new entrance will be paved by cement flags and will be closed at night. Intending players of bowls will be brought within easy reach of the bowling greens and the pavilion from the roadway. With reference to the laying down of a third lawn tennis court at the extreme Eastern end of the gardens it may be noted that only about eight feet of extra space has been required.
Apr 2nd 1910: PROPERTIES – Corston House, Spencer-road, formerly belonging to the late Mr. John RYLANDS, has been recently sold by Messrs. WALLIS RIDDETT & Co., to Sir Thomas BROOKE-HITCHING, and the same firm has also let Kilmurray, Castle-street, unfurnished to Mrs. HOWLETT.
Apr 2nd 1910: SEASON BAND – The engagement of Mr. Harry GODFREY’s band for a portion of the season is the most determined step that has been taken for some years to place the town on a footing with other seaside resorts. We believe there is not a person who will not benefit, either directly, or indirectly, or in the long run, by the presence of such a band in Ryde.
Apr 9th 1910: GALA NIGHT AT THE THEATRE – In honour of the French visit a gala performance was arrange at the Theatre Royal on Friday evening of last week. There was a crowded and fashionable attendance and the house was completely packed. Among those present was the Mayor (Mr. M. MAYBRICK, J.P.) who has played such a prominent part in entertaining the Island’s foreign guests and who was accompanied on this occasion by the Mayoress. A special box was reserved for their use on the left side of the dress circle.
Apr 16th 1910: ARTILLERY PRACTICE – Target practice with rapid firing guns took place from Puckpool Fort on Wednesday morning and was watched with a great deal of interest by people along the front.
Apr 16th 1910: THE BEACH – The heavy spring tides of the past week have brought in a phenomenal quantity of sand to the wall at the Eastern Esplanade. Over the outlet to the stream near Cornwall-street where formerly there was a deep depression, there is now a sufficient depth of sand to permit of a person leaping on to the wall with ease.
Apr 16th 1910: LONGEVITY – Mr. PRATT of Well-street, Ryde, who is in his 101st year, can claim the honour of being the eldest inhabitant in the Island.
Apr 23rd 1910: RYDE LAWN TENNIS & CROQUET CLUB – The lawn tennis and croquet tournaments arranged in connection with the club have become an annual feature of the Ryde season. The croquet tournament being earlier this year, play will take place during the week commencing June 13th. The Play-street Lane ground has greatly improved during the winter, it will not however, be open to the tennis players until Whit Monday the 16th May.
Apr 23rd 1910: HOLY TRINITY – The managers of the Holy Trinity Sunday Schools have introduced a kindergarten system in the infants department, and the innovation is regarded with favour by the tiny scholars.
Apr 30th 1910: CHILDREN’S GALA – We understand that Mr. W. BRIGSTOCKE, J.P., has kindly granted the use of Ryde House Park for the Childrens Gala, which the Exhibition and Horticultural Association at its annual meeting this week, decided to hold on July 4th.
Apr 30th 1910: CURIOUS – A great deal of mystery surrounds the shifting of the lamp column in St. Thomas’s Square this week.
Apr 30th 1910: ABUSE OF PENSIONS – Has there been much fraud in connection with the pensions? It is difficult to answer. Some of the deceptions practised or attempted, are so petty that they seem hardly worthy of the name fraud. If e.g. a claimant has no definite proof of age, we can hardly expect that she will not put it as high as necessary without very much regard to probability. It is a definite step further in deceipt when dates on marriage certificate or insurance policy are tampered with.