April 1917
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Apr 7th 1917: LIEUT. J. W. TRODD – An interesting account of the employment of German prisoners in food production at Evasham appeared in Monday’s Daily Telegraph, which mentioned that the camp where the workers are located is under the command of Lieut. J. W. TRODD of this town.
Apr 14th 1917: RED CROSS GARDEN – This garden at the Recreation Ground is still in need of a few more workers as there are six vacant plots on hand. The work is light and all seeds and plants are given. Mr. E. C. GOBLE superintends the planting, etc. Apply to Miss C. BLOXSOME.
Apr 14th 1917: LADIES TO PLAY HOCKEY – The Mayor said “as a young lady of very prepossessing appearance had waited on him and asked if the ladies might play hockey on the ground at the end of the canoe lake, he had given permission for them to do so on Wednesday afternoons.”
Apr 14th 1917: LADY CLERK AT THE POLICE STATION – Miss WAKELEY; niece/adopted daughter of the Chief Constable, who has been doing voluntary and unpaid office work at the Police Station for months past, is now well acquainted with the duties, and they recommend that she be appointed as police clerk at a salary of £1 per week.
Apr 14th 1917: WATERED MILK – James PRIOR, dairyman, St. John’s Road, was summoned for selling a pint of new milk which had been adulturated with 7.4 parts of water, and pleaded not guilty. The Chairman said they had taken into consideration what the defendant had advanced and he would be fined 20s. or 7 days in default.
Apr 14th 1917: POISON – Some people produce uric-acid twice as fast as others, and an overload of this poison is a serious thing for anyone. It comes in different ways, but the most productive causes are over-exertion and eating too much, particularly of meat. Some allowance should be made to those sufferers, for they can’t help being nervous, morose, cross, suspicious, headachy, dizzy at times, and racked with all sorts of pains.
Apr 21st 1917: FOR SALE BY AUCTION – The detached and excellent property, ‘Sudbury Cottage,’ with excellent garden, in Anglesea Street. 31 feet footage, 105 feet depth. Let on a yearly tenancy at £22 (landlord paying rates). Lease 999 years from 1851. Ground rent £5 p.a.
Apr 21st 1917: DINING FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN – In connection with the Food Control Campaign a dining centre for women and children has been started at Surrey Lodge, Barfield, where a good wholesome meal is provided daily, from 12.30 to 1.30, under the most economical conditions. On the first day 100 partook of dinner and each day since there has been an increasing number of diners, young and old.
Apr 21st 1917: TELEPHONE – It would be a great convenience for users of the public telephone at the Post Office if better facilities were provided for writing.
Apr 21st 1917: WESTWING COLLEGE – Among the successful candidates at the recent London College of Music examinations (held at Southsea) were Miss Dorothy F. ASHTON, gaining honours, and Miss Aileen G. BARFORD, gaining first class pass, pupils at the above college.
Apr 28th 1917: THEATRE – In presenting GILBERT and SULLIVAN’s famous comic opera, “The Yeomen of the Guard” at the Theatre, the Ryde Orchestral Society were eminently successful, especially having regard to the difficult nature of the undertaking and to the fact that this was the first public venture on the part of the Society.