April 1918
Isle of Wight Observer:
Apr 6th 1918: ST. JOHN’S MASCOTS – Announce entertainments in the Oakfield Parish Hall on April 11th and 18th in aid of a fund to provide a memorial in the memory of men from the parish who have fallen in the war.
Apr 6th 1918: ACCIDENT – On Thursday some excitement was caused on the sea front by an accident to a seaplane. It appears that the pilot had trouble with the air pockets caused by the gusts of wind, and was unable to rise, the wind forcing the machine down so that it became partially embedded in the sand about 300 or 400 hundred yards east of the old bathing pier. A boat was put off, and the pilot was taken off, scarcely wet, and was brought ashore. The seaplane drifted westward until it’s further progress was stopped by the piles of the old pier.
Apr 6th 1918: WAR ITEMS – Private Harold Sidney HAYES, 38 Weeks Road, has been wounded in the shoulder and some of his fingers are missing from both hands. He has been in France a year and nine months.
Apr 13th 1918: ALLOTMENTS – We note that the Council are inviting applications at 9d. per rod, in a field on the south side of Alfred Street, Weeks. Applicants are limited to 10 rods each, and their application must be sent to the Town Clerk not later than April 16th.
Apr 13th 1918: AMATEUR FISHING – After strenuous efforts extending over a period of about three years, Mr. G. H. HARRISON has been able to secure fishermen, a fishing area off Ryde. An official announcement to that effect appears in our advertising columns. Application forms from Mr. HARRISON.
Apr 13th 1918: MORE POTATOES WANTED – The urgent appeal made to the Isle of Wight by the president of the Board of Agriculture to grow more potatoes is one that cannot be too strongly emphasised. The deficit of 3,800 tons on the quantity grown last year.
Apr 20th 1918: LICENSE TRANSFERS – At the Borough Police Court, on Monday, the licenses of the Union Vaults, Pier Street were transferred from Leonard J. J. McKINLEY to Henry SHARP, and that of Yelf’s Hotel, Union Street, from Samuel B. R. THRESHER, and Grace MOULDEN to Alexander F. PART.
Apr 20th 1918: GOLDEN WEDDING – We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. George SILVESTER, of George Street, upon the celebration of their golden wedding on Tuesday, having married on April 16th 1868. Mr. SILVESTER was one of the first constables of the Ryde Borough Police, joining that force February 1868.
Apr 20th 1918: COUPONS – Some curious mistakes are being made about the meat coupons. One gentlemen thought that the coupons represented actual cash—sort of miniature treasury notes. He is said to have left three coupons at the cash desk and 3d. in copper to pay for his purchase. The butcher was sorry to disillusion him and destroy his faith in a generous paternal Government, which he had believed by means of coupons of cash value, done something to mitigate the hardness of the times.
Apr 20th 1918: ON STAGE – The “fall” of the Marquis Iman on the stage on Wednesday night was an “unrehearsed effect.” It was a piece of comedy that made the audience roar, however, it was a fine bit of realism that had quite an artistic touch. Ryde should be more than proud of its amateurs—the town is richer in amateur talent than any other town in the Island.
Apr 27th 1918: THIS NEWSPAPER – As a consequence of further restrictions placed by the Government upon the importation of pulp for the making of paper and cutting supplies by 50 per cent, we are compelled to notify our readers of a change in the appearance of this newspaper. Under existing conditions we will reduce the size of the pages from demy to crown—a reduction of 2½ inches each way.