April 1919
Isle of Wight Observer:
Apr 5th 1919: DANCE – An excellent company assembled at Miss BUCHANAN’s fancy dress dance at Trinity Hall on Saturday evening, when some tasteful costumes were worn. The guests included several Wrens and Bem boys, as well as a number of wounded soldiers who were liberally served with refreshments. Mr. DENNIS was an efficient M.C., and Mr. PERREN presided at the piano.
Apr 5th 1919: CRICKET REVIVAL – Steps are being taken to provide facilities for the resumption of cricket during the ensuing season at Partlands. At a recent meeting presided over by Alderman THIRKELL, it was stated that the residents of Partlands and Radcliffe-avenues, raised no objection to the field being used as a sports ground, and a deputation was appointed to approach the owner on the matter.
Apr 5th 1919: SUMMER CLOSING – The principal drapers decided at a recent meeting to continue the closing hours now in force throughout the summer so as to give their employees full opportunities for reasonable recreation during the operation of the Summer Time Act.
Apr 5th 1919: VISITORS – Despite the absence of cheap travelling there is likely to be a lot of visitors here for Easter. The cheerful weather of the last few days has stirred up things a bit. War time millionaires from the munition’s factories will give place to quite a different class of visitors and of the kind most liked by tradespeople.
Apr 5th 1919: ESPLANADE GARDENS – Much interest has been taken in the Western Esplanade gardens. The enclosure will make things much more select and provide more accommodation for those desiring to hear the band performances in comfort. On Thursday the bright sunshine brought many people out who took advantage of the seats which have now been placed there.
Apr 12th 1919: DOMESTIC – Ryde is less badly off than a town not a hundred miles away where a business man has been compelled to give up his residence because his wife cannot get servants. It is quite a little tragedy. A pleasant house, good furniture, a home—but not a helping hand to wipe away the dust with.
Apr 12th 1919: HOSPITAL – The Castle Hospital may be closing shortly. The patients will be transferred to Parkhurst Military Hospital and hospitals that are available near their homes.
Apr 12th 1919: POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS – With regard the local postal arrangements, it is gratifying that certain facilities withdrawn during the war were being restored, and communication was received from the Ryde Postmaster who hoped to arrange three deliveries of letters and parcels instead of two as at present.
Apr 19th 1919: WASHED ASHORE – During the week a number of railway sleepers have been washed ashore at Ryde and taken possession of by the Coastguard. At other parts of the Island barrels of oil and boxes of lard have been washed ashore.
Apr 19th 1919: ASHEY PARISH COUNCIL – A petition was considered from a number of residents in Haylands asking that allotment ground might be provided and the Council decided to take steps to approach the owners for carrying out their wishes.
Apr 19th 1919: PUBLIC UTILITY – It is common knowledge that the Castle War Hospital which has done such good service to our sick and wounded Tommies will shortly close. The wish has been expressed amongst us that its usefulness might be continued if it was turned into a place of public utility such as a Museum and Reading Room or even as a War Memorial of some kind.
Apr 26th 1919: A TANK COMING – There is every prospect of a tank coming to Ryde shortly, the War Council having allotted one to the borough in appreciation of the amount raised locally for the war, nearly £194,710 between March 1918 and January last.