Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

April 1922

Isle of Wight Observer:

Apr 1st 1922:  NEW COUNTY COUNCILLOR – On Wednesday evening at the Town Hall polling took place in the North-Western Division of Ryde to fill the vacancy caused by the elevation of Mr. G. R. BRIGSTOCKE to the aldermanic bench of the County Council.  The result was declared in the evening, Major-General Chas. E. LAWRIE, C.B., D.S.O., of Copsefield, Ryde, having the most votes, of 196.

Apr 1st 1922:  ISLAND OLD LACE – Lecturing on “The History of Old Lace” at St. James’s Hall on Thursday, Miss HEARN, of Newport, brought a number of beautiful specimens and referred to the origin of the industry in France.  The making of Isle of Wight lace began in the time of Charles 1st, and at Newport there used to be a school but the manufacture of the machine lace in our country did not begin until 1820 at Broadlands.

Apr 8th 1922:  OLD RYDEITES – The deaths occurred at the Poor Law Institution during March of Charles ATTRILL 89, George HAYWARD 89, William DRAYTON 81, and Katherine WARNER 83, all of Ryde, and whose united ages were therefore 342 years.

Apr 8th 1922:  AMBULANCE DRILL – The members of the Ryde section of the British Red Cross are reminded that there will be Ambulance Drill at the Justices’ Room at the Town Hall on Monday next at 8 p.m. and at the County Hospital Committee Room the following Monday at 8 p.m.

Apr 8th 1922:  FOOTBALL CLUB – The annual report of the All Saints F.C. shows that the second season of the Club has been on the whole a successful one.  Thanks are tendered to Miss Dorothy NUTT for generously allowing the use of the ground at Haylands Manor free of all cost. The remaining games of the season are being played on the ground of the Ashey F.C.

Apr 8th 1922:  ON DIT – The up-to-date firm of Messrs. Pack and Co., Union-street, have purchased a fine motor van to expedite the delivery of their goods to their numerous customers; A good many young people are asking how the Council will settle the question of al fresco dancing and whether it will be “On with the dance” of “Off with it.”

Apr 15th 1922:  SCALA CINEMA – Good business seems to be the rule at the new picture-house and the films have afforded the utmost delight.  A great double attraction is announced for this week-end, comprising the wonder film “Australia’s Wild Nor West,” which will be graphically described by H.P. ADAMS, the well-known traveller and explorer.  This will be teamed with “Going Straight.”

Apr 15th 1922:  SERIOUS FIRE – A rather serious accident combined with a fire, occurred on Tuesday evening at the dye works in East-street, of Mr. Harry TURTLE, who resides at “Brooklyn,” Garfield-road.  It seems that about six o’clock, he was dry cleaning with petrol which caught alight, and he was severely burned about the arms, chest and head.  He went to Mr. TAYLOR’s garage adjoining and Mr. HAPGOOD drove him to the County Hospital.  The brigade were summoned and extinguished the flames.

Apr 22nd 1922:  SILVER MEDAL WON – A Silver medal awarded by the Gaumont Company Ltd. has been won by T. S. SCOVEL of Ryde for an essay on “The possibilities of the Cinema in connection with Education” it is the final examination submitted in the London Chamber of Commerce competition.

Apr 22nd 1922:  JUNIOR TENNIS TOURNAMENT – We are asked to remind intending local competitors that the annual Junior Lawn Tennis Tournament is fixed to take place this year from August 21st to 26th.

Apr 22nd 1922:  CABMEN’S SHELTER – There is not much chance of the Council re-opening the question of the Cabmen’s shelter though the cabbies say they will not let it drop.  Capt. BARNSDALE is willing to take it away free of cost and he has promised his help in regard to a coffee stall as a substitute.  The Y.M.C.A. was the means of obtaining subscriptions for the Shelter in the first instance and it was afterwards handed over to the town.