April 1925
Isle of Wight County Press:
Apr 4th 1925: RADIO SOCIETY MEETIG – Mr. E. W. POLLARD, B.Sc., presided at the first annual meeting of the local Radio Society, held at Mount House Hall on Tuesday. There was a small attendance. The Hon. Secretary and Treasurer (Mr. J. P. TURTLE) reported that the first year had been rather expensive. The license was over £21, and they had bought a wireless set and paid the rent of the Society’s premises, which left a small balance.
Apr 4th 1925: REMOVAL OF BOOM – The work of removing the steel defensive boom which commenced off Seaview some months ago and discontinued owing to rough weather, is now again in full swing.
Apr 4th 1925: BINSTEAD JUMBLE SALE – The women’s section of the British Legion organised a jumble sale on Thursday in aid of the laying on of water at the Parish Hall, and the proceeds amounted to about £3.10s.
Apr 11th 1925: LICENCE CHANGES – On Monday the Ryde Borough Bench granted the transfer of licences of premises at 180 and 181 High-street, from Frank PINK to William George MEW, and of the New Inn, St. John’s-road, from George CHAFFEY to William Walter SPRATT. A music and dancing licence was granted for the Royal Squadron Hotel.
Apr 11th 1925: GREAT MUSICAL ATTRACTION – is organised at the Town-hall on Thursday, when a special recital will be given by Marie HALL, the celebrated violinist, who will be accompanied by Marguerite, another well-known artiste.
Apr 18th 1925: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – Mr. WILLIAMSON asked if the proposed improvement to the Recreation ground would be carried out at once. If not, would arrangements be made for the allotment-holders to remain there. Ald. PARNELL replied that the improvements would be carried out shortly, and as there were only four allotment-holders, and their time was up, the committee did not think it desirable that they should remain.
Apr 25th 1925: SUMMER TIME – The first day of official summer time on Sunday was far from summer-like, as it was signalised by a drenching rain, during which the clouds were so dense as to necessitate resort to artificial light indoors during the afternoon.
Apr 25th 1925: PIER HOTEL RYDE – The re-opening of this hotel will take place on Thursday. It has been acquired by a syndicate of local gentlemen, with whom the Mayor (Mr. Rowland RUSSELL, T.C.) is associated. Every effort is to be made to keep the establishment, with the splendid accommodation, open throughout the winter.
Apr 25th 1925: PRIMROSE LEAGUE – The Ryde Habitation of the Primrose League revived its annual celebrations, which have been discontinued since the war, on Monday, when about 100 members attended an entertainment and tea at the Town-hall. The tea was followed by a meeting, at which General R. S. FETHERSTONHAUGH, C.B., presided. The chairman announced with regret the serious illness of Miss NUTT, who for many years had carried out the duties of Hon. Secretary.
Apr 25th 1925: ADVERTISING RYDE – Mr. H. R. FOWLER, in giving an account of the activities, said they had spent hundreds of pounds in a carefully selected series of newspaper and magazine advertisements, giving the town’s name. They had recorded the many thousands of replies received, and when the Railway Co., produced any interesting literature the names on their list were circulated.