Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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April 1968

Isle of Wight Times:

Apr 4th 1968:  MORE KNOTS LESS SPEED – British Rail’s new Seaspeed link between Ryde and Portsmouth got into difficulties on Monday within hours of beginning operations.  As the 65-seater HM2 was approaching its mainland terminal, a rope tangled round the propellers.  The hovercraft had to be withdrawn from service until a diver could unravel the tangle.

Apr 4th 1968: SOMETIMES TOO QUIET – Other people’s misfortunes are invariably amusing.  And that was clearly the premise which motivated Esther MCCRACKEN to write “Quiet Weekend,” which the Clarion Players tackled on Thursday evening at the Esplanade Pavilion, with repeats on Friday and Saturday.  Now the building has been given a face-lift, the surroundings certainly had a slicker look than usual, but the same could not always be said of the production.  At times the over-relaxed manner verged on positive limpness.

Apr 4th 1968:  ISLAND IN THE SUN – It was snowing outside when the new I.W. Publicity film had its first Ryde showing on Tuesday evening at the Osborne Oasis.  This 32-minute documentary filmed by B.B.C. cameraman Mr. Tony KNIGHTLY, of Northwood and the commentary is by Cliff MICHELMORE.  With a script prepared by a B.B.C. official, the film makes the most of the Island’s attractive scenery and points of interest, and Ryde Borough fares well among the areas depicted.

Apr 11th 1968:  BOB-A-JOB – The annual Bob-a-Job Week organised throughout the country by The Scout Association, has been a great success for nearly 20 years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the public admire the Scout movement and the independent enthusiasm of its members to a very high degree.  Now Scouting has embarked on an ambitious programme to provide even better facilities for its members.

Apr 11th 1968:  MYSTERY BLAZE – Rumours of considerable delay in calling the Fire Brigade to the blaze which destroyed Columbia Products Ltd. cosmetics factory at Binstead in the small hours on Saturday were being investigated.  The first alarm was received by the Brigade at 4.17 a.m., but long before this—some people claim as early as 3 a.m.—flames were seen.  Once firemen knew of the danger, they were quickly on the scene, but by then it was too late to save the 500,000 square feet of factory.

Apr 11th 1968:  ROARING TWENTIES – A fire engine of “roaring twenties” vintage took the Mayoress, Mrs. Edward CLEAVER, with five costumed “flappers” from Ryde and District Ladies’ Circle to a “Thoroughly Modern Millie” market at the Osborne Oasis on Saturday.  The market organised by the Circle, was staged in aid of the I.W. physically handicapped, and excerpts from the Julie ANDREWS film were shown.  Stalls were run by straw-hatted men, and “modern Millies” wearing twenties’ “gear.”

Apr 11th 1968:  A DANGER – The Ryde and East Wight Trades Council has drawn the attention of the Borough Council to the state of the Paxton Club, Swanmore, long unoccupied, which they feel is in a dangerous condition.

Apr 11th 1968:  FORGOTTEN RYDE – Summer ‘67’ featured the Island on BBC-TV2 on Monday evening when John BETJEMAN likened Alum Bay to Arizona, extolled the virtues of Island poets and showed an excerpt from Queen Victoria’s funeral.  But Ryde – Not a mention.  No Seaview…and Bembridge scraped in by a glimpse of Culver Down where the poet SWINBURNE is said to have scaled the cliff for the view.

Apr 18th 1968:  LOCOMOTIVE – The Wight Locomotive Society, which has purchased for preservation the very last surviving Isle of Wight 02 class tank locomotive and five carriages, has launched a desperate appeal for money to remove their engine by road from Ryde St. John’s Station to Newport.  This move, which is hoped will take place in May, will be with the aid of an ex-Army Scammell tank transporter.

Apr 18th 1968:  DECIMAL COINAGE – The United Kingdom’s first two decimal coins come into circulation and will be legal tender from next Tuesday, April 23. 10 new penny coin and 5 new penny coin.