Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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April 1970

Isle of Wight Times:

Apr 2nd 1970:  RESTORATION – Two workmen from London have made a start on restoring the stonework in the north section of Holy Trinity Parish Church.  Enough money has been raised to pay for the work, but not enough to cover contingencies. Of the amount raised so far, £60 has been collected in sixpences in “smartie” tubes, through an enterprising scheme organised by some of the members.

Apr 2nd 1970:  TRAFFIC LIGHTS – A long-cherished hope for traffic lights to be provided at the Green Street – Argyll Street crossroads, Ryde (under discussion for two years and the subject of prolonged correspondence) is nearing realisation.

Apr 2nd 1970:  INFORMATION – Now that the town’s Information Bureau has been demolished to make way for sea front development another is to be provided—in the form of a temporary wooden hut not to cost more than £422.

Apr 9th 1970:  PIER PREMISES – Ryde Council reluctantly gave up an 18 months battle to safeguard the future of two of the town’s biggest clubs on the pier.  It means that the Vectis Boating and Fishing Club and Ryde Rowing Club will shortly—if the owners BR get their way—have to leave their twin headquarters flanking a slipway halfway along England’s second longest pier.

Apr 9th 1970:  ALL NIGHT WALK – A sponsored walk—with a difference—is being organised in aid of the British Heart Foundation on April 18.  Different because the contestants in this all-night race round the Isle of Wight are all over 50.  The walk came about because 64-year-old Mr. Alec GAMBLE, of Ryde, challenged anyone over 50 to race him round the Island—a distance of 85 miles.

Apr 16th 1970:  BAD NEWS FOR TRAMPS – Their less-than-stately home, a tumbledown cottage in Church Lane, Ryde, long used as a place for bed and breakfast by vagrants, is to be knocked down before it falls down.  The walls are practically peeling off the paper and the list of defects are “so colossal” that it would have to be demolished. The cottage is scheduled for bulldozing as soon as possible.

Apr 16th 1970:  BELLEVUE PLAYERS – A talk and demonstration on “The Art of Stage Make-up” was given at their April Club evening by Mr. Leslie MORRISSEY, of the National Operatic and Dramatic Association, southern area.  Mrs. Valerie DWIGHT and Mr. Ken LANE acted as subjects for the demonstration.

Apr 16th 1970:  TOO LONG – As the G.P.O. stumbles into the 70’s, one wonders how bad the service will become before things improve.  Letters posted in Ryde with a 4d stamp are taking three days to reach the I.W. Times office in the same town.  Mail bearing a fivepenny stamp and posted in Southampton often take two days.

Apr 23rd 1970:  RANK OUTSIDERS – It has been far from quiet on the Western front at Ryde these last few days.  Monday was the day when the town’s taxi drivers had to leave their rank opposite the pier gates and move to new quarters provided on the former Western Gardens as part of the sea front development.  They don’t like it, they claim that the new site holds 15 to 20 vehicles and is too small, since there are 52 licensed taxis.

Apr 30th 1970:  GOLFING GYMKHANA – Ryde Golf Club may claim to have some “tigers” in their tanks. But horses?  The suggestion came to mind on Thursday when they applied to the I.W. Magistrates’ Court for an extension for “a golfing gymkhana.”  Explained Mr. Tony GALE, solicitor-golfer, who made the application on behalf of the club; “Oh, it’s nothing to do with horses really, I agree the term is a bit strange.  Actually, it is a special event being held on August 18 to mark the 50th anniversary of the club.”