Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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April 1971

Isle of Wight County Press:

Apr 3rd 1971:  RYDEIANS – Mr. K. N. SYMONDS, headmaster, Mr. WILCOX and 23 old boys attended the annual meeting of the Old Rydeians’ Association and a sausage and mash supper at Dean House Hotel.  The association which started in 1923 with five members, has now risen to 432, and to coincide with the school’s golden jubilee the association have decided at the commencement of each autumn term to award a bursary to the son of an Old Rydeian in the sixth form.

Apr 3rd 1971:  PRECINCT – Mr. M. OCCOMORE, borough surveyor, said he could not envisage any type of pedestrian precinct being practised in the town for at least ten years. He pointed out that though it was possible for new towns constructed since the war to be built with pedestrian precincts, Ryde’s precinct could only be achieved through extensive planning involving vast expenditure.

Apr 3rd 1971:  INCREASE – Applications from taxi firms to increase fares by 20 per cent was approved and a change in by-laws is to be sought to permit the use of meters.

Apr 3rd 1971:  NEW POOL – A recent jumble sale at the Binstead Methodist Hall raised £30 to go towards the estimated sum of £200 needed for a school swimming pool.  The pool will be provided at the new Primary School which will come into use after the summer holidays.

Apr 3rd 1971:  GUILD OF PAST PATIENTS – A letter was read from the matron of Ryde, thanking the guild for all their help during the year.  It was reported that £2200 had been handed over during 1970 for the installation of the coronary care unit and ancillary equipment.  Tribute was paid to all contributors, including many Island societies.

Apr 10th 1971:  RELIEF ROAD – Ryde Town Council have made a strong case for the provision of a roundabout at the western extremity of the marine drive section of the proposed relief road.  The stretch of road between the marine section and the golf course would appear to be a grave mistake and a waste of public money, it would do nothing to relieve the worsening bottle-neck in the main road in Binstead.

Apr 17th 1971:  BELLEVUE PLAYERS – For their Easter production at the Esplanade Pavilion, Ryde, on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, the Bellevue Players chose the comedy, “A Friend Indeed,” the action of which takes place in the Rome apartment of the British Minister to the Vatican.  They had assembled a strong cast, and Monday’s audience showed clearly their enjoyment of this polished production.

Apr 17th 1971:  TREFOIL GUILD – At a meeting at the Red Cross Centre, Swanmore Road, P.S. W. D. GROVES, of the I.W. Constabulary, gave a talk on the use and misuse of drugs.  An Easter competition for decorating a hard-boiled egg was won by Mrs. E. RICHARDS, with Mrs. J. TALBOT second.

Apr 17th 1971:  ALLOTMENTS & GARDEN SOCIETY – The society held their last meeting of the winter session in Ryde Town Hall on Thursday week.  An interesting talk on fuchsias was given by Mr. E. E. BERRY, of Brading, who illustrated his talk with slides.  The broccoli competition was won by Mr. C. WHITE.  Mr. K. DIBBEN, chairman presided.

Apr 17th 1971:  ELECTRICAL ASSN FOR WOMEN – Mrs. R. CURRINGTON, a director of Bath Travel Agency, was the speaker at the monthly meeting at the Southern Electricity Board conference room.  She gave a description of her visit to Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand.

Apr 17th 1971:  W.R.V.S. PARTY – More than 130 attended the 24th birthday party of the W.R.V.S. Darby and Joan Club at the Town Hall on Thursday.  Guests included Mr. E. MINGHELLA, deputy mayor, and Mrs. MINGHELLA.  There were representatives from other Island Darby and Joan clubs.  Entertainment was supplied by Mr. W. REED, borough organist, the Ryde guide group, The Men of Wight Morris dancers and Steamboat, a group from Ryde School.