August 1863
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Aug 1st 1863: ENTERTAINMENT – Mr. Arthur SKETCHLY, whose name stands high as a delineator in the Metropolis, is advertised to appear in Ryde next week.
Aug 1st 1863: TEMPORARY REMOVAL – Mr. DIMMICK, the eminent seedsman and florist, is removed next door to the National Provincial Bank during the rebuilding of his house in High-street. The entrance to his conservatories at present is from Victoria-street, leading from John-street.
Aug 1st 1863: STREET WATERING – We have received complaints because the watering of Spencer-road ends at Sir Augustus CLIFFORD’s back gate, whilst many large rate-payers live beyond.
Aug 1st 1863: THE SHORE – The Pier Company marked off a site to the eastward of the pier where they intend to erect some floating docks, and they gave notice to several watermen to move their moorings away. The watermen refuse to comply and allege they have a prescriptive right to remain where they are, unless compensated for the loss attending removal.
Aug 8th 1863: COASTGUARD SERVICE – An inspection of the men in the Ryde division, including Cowes, Freshwater, &c., took place at St. Helen’s on Saturday last before Capt. SOUTHBY, of H.M.S. Colossus. The men went through the rifle and cutlass exercises, and were pronounced to be in a high state of efficiency.
Aug 8th 1863: COAL TRAP AGAIN – An accident of a serious nature occurred to Mr. LOE, pork butcher, of the High-street, when he fell down a coal trap in George-street, and has since been obliged to walk about on crutches. When will our local authorities take effective measures to prevent this constant danger to life and limb?
Aug 8th 1863: ST. MICHAEL’S AND ALL ANGELS – We are glad to announce this church is to be consecrated on Tuesday, the 18th inst., the Lord Bishop of Winchester having appointed that day.
Aug 15th 1863: THALBERG’S FAREWELL – It has been for some week’s past been announced, and we now see by an advertisement in another column that he will visit Ryde on Wednesday. All who can estimate the rare combination of skill and genius in this wonderful performer, will doubtless avail themselves of the opportunity thus afforded. THALBERG is on all hands admitted to be the best exhibitor of the capabilities of the pianoforte now living. He is now making a graceful finish to a glorious career.
Aug 15th 1863: FIRE ESCAPE – The new fire escape recently purchased by the commissioners was, under the superintendence of Mr. STANNARD, taken out on Wednesday and placed outside some of the hotels and public buildings, and found to work admirably, parties being taken out of the windows with the utmost expedition.
Aug 29th 1863: PUNCTUALITY – This is desirable, yet the Emerald steamer frequently lays alongside Stokes Bay pier half-an-hour after the advertised time, but on the Ryde side she will not wait a minute. Tar all with the same brush. On Friday morning she was off in a minute and left two passengers behind, indeed she turned so quickly that the gangway-board was smashed and the foot of a porter, named MEW, was severely hurt.