August 1865
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Aug 5th 1865: THEATRE – On Tuesday evening there was a brilliant array of rank and fashion, the nobility and gentry of the town and neighbourhood having assembled in large numbers on the occasion of the officers of Parkhurst Garrison performing in aid of the funds of the Royal Isle of Wight Infirmary.
Aug 5th 1865: STRANGE PLACE – Water-wagtails often choose strange places for building their nests, but one has now outdone all its compeers in eccentricity, by constructing a nest underneath one of the rails of the Isle of Wight Railway, near Ryde station; and the “old hen,” utter oblivious of the roar, and bustle, and rush of steam, may now, daily, be seen sitting on her eggs.
Aug 5th 1865: ON VIEW – Mr. Arthur HARRIS invites the public to inspect a bust modelled from life of a Gentleman well-known in the Isle of Wight. He confidently invites the criticism of artistic gentlemen. The Falcon, opposite the Infirmary, Ryde. July 1865.
Aug 12th 1865: ST. THOMAS’S SQUARE – The Town Surveyor prepared a plan as to the alteration of this place by removal of the veranda, &c. It had long since been considered a nuisance and a harbour for loiterers. It was impossible for two persons to pass without one going into the road.
Aug 12th 1865: TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS – We have pleasure to inform our subscribers that we have erected one of Main’s Patent Economic Single Gripper Machines, thus largely increasing our facilities and expediting the issue of this journal. We shall, through this means be enabled to issue a Second Edition early on Saturday morning.
Aug 19th 1865: PERFORMANCE – The celebrated Miss Amy SEDGWICK will commence an engagement at the Theatre, for six nights only on Monday next.
Aug 26th 1865: HAVEN STREET PARSONAGE – We see it is intended to hold a bazaar in the grounds of the Castle, on the Strand, early in September, on behalf of the parsonage. The income of the incumbent is very small, although he is answerable for all the expenses of the school &c. We trust this is a matter that will not be lost sight of by our numerous readers.
Aug 26th 1865: RAILWAY CROSSING – A public meeting was convened for the purpose of expressing opinion whether the Isle of Wight Railway Company, in extending their Railway to the station at the end of Melville-street, ought to be required for the public safety to pass under a bridge to be constructed over the highway at Monkton-bridge, or whether the company should be allowed to continue the line on the level, placing gates on each side of such level crossing without constructing a bridge.
Aug 26th 1865: STEAM PACKET – The United Portsmouth and Isle of Wight Steam Packet Company have received their new steamboat, and her trial trips have proved the average time she will occupy in running her passages between Southsea and Ryde Piers is under 19 minutes. This vessel, called the Princess of Wales, is fitted up in a manner far superior to any other vessel ever on the passage.
Aug 26th 1865: DEPARTING – Capt. And Mrs. HANCOCK and family have taken their departure from the residence of the Countess METAXÀ, for Edinburgh, where Capt. HANCOCK has been appointed to the command of H.M.S. Trafalgar, and the Coastguard Royal Naval Reserve and Royal Coast Volunteers on the East Coast of Scotland.
Aug 26th 1865: PETTY SESSIONS – Joseph EXTON, landlord of the Lamb Inn, Brunswick-place, Ryde was charged with having his house open and illegally selling beer at an improper hour on Sunday morning. Henry MANDEVILLE, beershop-keeper, at the round-house, on the new pier, at Ryde, was charged with a similar offence. The cases being proved, defendants were fined 10s., and costs.
Aug 26th 1865: TO BUILDERS – Desirable sites for Villas, virtually within the town of Ryde, but exempt from town rates, commanding uninterrupted views of the Solent and interior of the Island, can be obtained on the Haylands Estate, which is about to be systematically laid out for building purposes.