August 1868
Isle of Wight Observer:
Aug 1st 1868: ROBBERY – One of the labourers in the erection of the new assembly-room at the Town Hall, who up to the time at which we write is non est, has been stealing lead, one lot of which he sold for 4/-. He has, we understand, been in the employ of Messrs. PARSONS and SAUNDERS ever since the commencement of the job.
Aug 1st 1868: ABYSSINIAN PRINCE – We understand that our townsman Mr. Jabez HUGHES, on Thursday last photographed the young son of the late Emperor Theodore, who is an exceedingly intelligent-looking little fellow. He was attended by his guardian, Captain SPEEDY.
Aug 1st 1868: THE HARVEST – Harvest operations are being carried out with great activity in all parts of the Island. A large breadth of wheat has been cut, and a considerable portion carted and housed in splendid condition. Bread is falling in price, and we may, in consequence of the abundant harvest, expect a still further reduction.
Aug 8th 1868: HOWE’S MARIONETTES – This popular entertainment draws a large number of spectators nightly. We should imagine the proprietors would do well to offer a morning performance occasionally, and especially to make the offer for schools at a reduced price, in order to afford pleasure to juveniles. This style of entertainment is rare in Ryde, and is precisely the kind of amusement where households would pay a visit.
Aug 8th 1868: MASON’S NEW HANDY GUIDE – Our townsman’s little work, just issued, is well named, being in every respect entitled to its distinctive appellation. It is a descriptive and practical hand-book to the chief places of resort in the Island; especially useful for visitors. The aid of the photographer and engraver has been called in to great advantage.
Aug 8th 1868: INFIRMARY BALL – We see that the annual ball for this great local charity is fixed to take place at the Victoria-rooms, on Wednesday, the 19th inst., under the distinguished patronage, from which we trust the funds of the institution will be largely benefitted.
Aug 15th 1868: DAMAGE TO THE PIER – On Sunday afternoon, as the Southampton steampacket Queen, Capt. JEFFRIES, was nearing Ryde pier, on her passage from Southsea to Ryde, she, in consequence of having too much way on her, came into contact with the eastern angle of the pier head, carrying away a portion of the framework, and doing considerable damage. The vessel was uninjured.
Aug 15th 1868: HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY – There was a brilliant assemblage at Apley Towers on Wednesday, on the occasion of the last flower show of the season. The show took place in four tents, and was both as to fruit and flowers fully up to the mark. Most of the gentry will be seen in the list of awards.
Aug 22nd 1868: ACCIDENT – We regret to record an accident to Mr. WOODMORE, baker, of Binstead, on Saturday last, who it appears was driving his van down the hill, and when nearing the turnpike gate a coach and cart coming, necessitated his drawing in near the hedge. Mr. WOODMORE having been driving briskly lost his balance and fell, the van ran over his legs, by which he sustained a fracture. The coach stopped, when the sufferer was placed inside and conveyed to the Infirmary.
Aug 22nd 1868: CLARENDON CLUB – We have our attention directed to the numerous improvements in the town of Ryde, and none are more conspicuous than the building of the above-named club (nearly opposite the Arcade), by the energy and enterprise of our old and much-respected townsmen, Messrs. ELLIS and Co., who have removed to their new premises. The residents and visitors to the Island have here a magnificent saloon for billiards, &c., which will rival anything of its kind in the South of England.
Aug 29th 1868: A GRAND SIGHT – A magnificent display of Aurora Borealis was visible in Ryde on Thursday evening.