August 1869
Isle of Wight Observer:
Aug 7th 1869: FASHIONABLE PARTY – On Saturday last, General and Mrs. SLADE invited a large and distinguished party, when their mansion, Elvington House and grounds, was the scene of gaiety and festivity. Dancing took place on the grounds, the musical arrangements being under the direction of Mr. C. W. SALTER.
Aug 7th 1869: THEATRE – The efforts of the management have proved highly successful, with every prospect of continuance, crowded houses being the order of the night. The lovers of the legitimate drama have had a week’s treat, Mr. C. ALLERTON, tragedian, having appeared in several of SHAKESPERE’s plays to admiring and enthusiastic audiences. That gentleman’s embodiment of Hamlet, the Royal Dane, was a masterly performance, and highly appreciated and testified by repeated bursts of applause.
Aug 7th 1869: ACCIDENT – On Tuesday a woman, Ann DRAKE, was knocked down by a horse and cart near the railway station, and considerably injured. She was conveyed to the Infirmary, and attended by Dr. DAVEY. We regret to add that she lies in a dangerous condition.
Aug 7th 1869: BENEVOLENCE – We have been requested by a gentleman, retired from business, who, although attaining the ripe old age of 80 years on the 8th inst., is still in the enjoyment of excellent health, to publish the following. “To the aged.—Any friend in the Town of Ryde, or within one mile of its boundary, who have on the 8th August, 1869, reached the age of 80 years, may, on the 9th or 10th inst., by giving their names and age at COMDEN & Son’s pastrycook, No. 1 St. Thomas’s-square, receive a one-shilling plum cake, a quarter-pound of tea and one pound of loaf sugar; and the oldest gentleman, in the habit of smoking, a quarter-pound of tobacco and six pipes; and should there be a bachelor, he shall, in addition to the cake receive half-a-dozen of ginger beer”.
Aug 14th 1869: BATHING SEASON – The present bathing season has been more than usually disastrous. Accidents are recorded almost daily, which might have been prevented by the exercise of ordinary prudence. All danger in bathing is indeed voluntarily and foolishly. They who cannot swim if they bathe on a shelving shore without due precaution. A man who goes 100 yards out of his depth with no boat within hail. The strongest swimmer may be attacked by the cramp or drift insensibly into a current too powerful. In such emergencies, presence of mind seems to forsake the most daring.
Aug 14th 1869: NATIVE GENIUS – The fact has just reached us that Mr. A. HARRIS (son of Mr. HARRIS, of the Falcon Hotel, Ryde) has had the honour conferred upon him of being received into the studio of Mr. J. H. FOLEY, the celebrated sculptor, whose fame is universal. Mr. HARRIS is a self-taught man, and that his ability must be of the highest order is testified by the incident above mentioned.
Aug 14th 1869: THE SEASON – The Island is now unusually gay. A spirited regatta has just taken place, as well as the annual meeting of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, the banquet and ball. There have been unexampled gatherings on the pier. In addition to these events, there has been public and private balls, pic-nics, water parties, concerts, and fashionable gatherings of all kinds, so we are enabled to say, never was the Island gayer than at the present moment.
Aug 21st 1869: FANCY DRESS – A great variety of costly fancy dresses of various periods, have been exhibited at Messrs. MORGAN’s establishment in Union-street, throughout the week; the firm having made extensive arrangements in order to meet the demand which has we understand, been considerable.
Aug 21st 1869: EXTENSION – It has ever been our opinion that an extension of the Esplanade on the west side of the Pier would be of immense advantage to the town, even were it at first only accomplished so far as to make a carriage drive as far as Pelham-fields and into Spencer-road. We are therefore gratified to see the notice that all persons interested be invited in the sanctioning an outlay in the formation of an esplanade on the west side of the pier.