August 1870
Hampshire Telegraph: (agent at Ryde – Mr. THURLOW)
Aug 3rd 1870: ANNUAL TREAT – On Friday afternoon the children attending St. James’s Schools, to the number of about three hundred, had their annual treat in the park-like grounds of Appley House.
Aug 3rd 1870: CONCERT – On Friday evening a grand amateur concert, under distinguished patronage, was given in aid of the fund for beautifying the west window of Trinity Church, Ryde, in the large room at the Town Hall. The room, as usual, only half filled. The concert otherwise, a decided success. Miss AYLWARD was the accompanyist.
Aug 3rd 1870: STREET ACCIDENT – On Friday night a sad accident happened to a little girl, the daughter of a widow living in Trinity-street, in Cross-street. The little girl and other children were standing on the pavement watching the carriages conveying people to the concert, when by some mischance she was pushed into the road in front of an advancing vehicle. The town sergeant was sent for, and bringing the ambulance from the Town Hall, was promptly on the spot, and the little sufferer was taken home, where she was attended by Mr. BARROW.
Aug 3rd 1870: BOROUGH POLICE COURT – On Monday, James WEARN, cabdriver, pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct on the Esplanade, while in charge of a cab. Fined 2s. 6d. and costs 7s. 6d. —Robert RAYNOR was charged with making use of obscene language on the Esplanade, on the 28th ult. Fined 5s. and 5s. costs.
Aug 17th 1870: AMERICAN PLANTS – The question whether or not American plants will flourish in England is one which has long occupied the attention of savans, and one on which much light may be thrown by a visit to the garden of Mr. WITHINGTON, of the Atlantic Bar, High-street. Some very fine plants of Indian corn and of broom corn may be seen quite nine feet in height. Mr. WITHINGTON expresses himself as perfectly satisfied with the result of the experiment. We may add that seed from which the above were grown was brought from America by Mr. WITHINGTON himself.
Aug 17th 1870: TURTLE – On Thursday evening last, Captain PARKER, of the yacht Moonbeam, belonging to P. ROBERTS, Esq., captured a turtle, weighing from fifteen to twenty pounds, near his yacht off the pier. This is, we believe, the first time that such a thing has been seen in these waters; but the turtle referred to had evidently been in the Solent for some time, as it was covered with the weed which abounds here.
Aug 17th 1870: ACCIDENT TO AN EXCURSIONIST – On Sunday last about fifteen hundred Sunday leaguers from London visited Ryde. On returning, one gentleman overran himself in hastening down the pier. He fainted, and lay insensible for some time. Dr. TURNER was sent for, and succeeded in restoring him, and he was able to go home next day.
Aug 17th 1870: CHARITABLE CAUSE – A concert in aid of the National Cottage Hospital for Consumption, was given in the Assembly Room at the Town Hall on Friday evening. There was a good array of London and local talent, but notwithstanding this fact and the merits of the cause in whose behalf the concert was given, the attendance was very thin.
Aug 24th 1870: ANNUAL LICENSING – Mr. WHITE applied on behalf of Mr. Charles PERKIS, for a new license to a house just erected at Parklands Avenue, Swanmore, expressly for a licensed house, and intended to be called the Parklands Hotel. The service of the necessary notices was proved. —Mr. WHITE addressed the bench in support of his application, and produced the plans &c., of the premises. The house was, he said, in a fast-increasing neighbourhood, and the house was much required. The license was granted.
Aug 31st 1870: CAME TO GRIEF – On Saturday night as people were leaving Mr. SOTHERN’s entertainment—which, by the way, was crowded both on Friday and Saturday—the rain fell in torrents. As a consequence, there was a very general rush for cabs. Mr. Alexander STEPHENS was fortunate to secure a freight of four ladies, but in hurrying down Melville-street he unfortunately came to grief. In the darkness he ran against a vehicle belonging to Mr. TAYLOR, completely smashing it. His “fare” were so alarmed that they got out and ran home in the pouring rain.