August 1872
Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde
Aug 7th 1872: JUVENILE GARDEN ROBBERS – James PITT, George PITT, and Alfred GAPES, aged 7, 8, and 10, were charged with stealing peas from a garden belonging to Mr. Frederick William YOUNG, of Union-street. The case was proved by Albert HERBERT, who saw them in the garden taking the peas.—The younger boy was discharged, but the others were fined 2s 6d. each and costs, with one week allowed for payment, or seven days’ imprisonment.
Aug 10th 1872: PARK ROAD CHAPEL – A bazaar of useful and ornamental articles was held at the Town Hall, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, by the ladies of the Park-road Chapel. Some beautiful specimens of wool work done by ladies of the congregation were very much admired. After expenses, about £80 will be realised.
Aug 10th 1872: RVYC REGATTA – The annual regatta of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club takes place next week, commencing on Monday with the annual general meeting at 1 p.m., and the annual dinner in the evening. Thus, it will be seen that Ryde will be full of visitors next week, and no lack of aquatic sports to amuse them.
Aug 14th 1872: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Colonel and Mrs. Frank CHAPLIN have arrived at Temple House; Rear-Admiral and Mrs. COOTE are at present on a visit to Mrs. GASSIOT, St. John’s House; Mr. and Mrs. E. RANDOLPH and family have returned to St. Vincent’s Villa, after several weeks’ tour on the continent; Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Smith BRIDGES have taken Ashley House and will arrive next week.
Aug 24th 1872: IN MEMORIUM – A very beautiful tablet has just been placed in St. Thomas’s Church by Miss BRIGSTOCKE, to the memory of her father and mother, the late Captain and Mrs. BRIGSTOCKE. The design is a very chaste one, and executed by Messrs. BEDFORD, of Oxford-street, London.
Aug 24th 1872: TIMOTHY DUNN “UNDONE” – A gentleman of the above name left the great metropolis for a trip to our “Garden Isle.” All went merrily until he reached Ryde Pier, when, to his dismay, he found he had lost his watch, and information was at once given to Mr. Superintendent BURT, that Mr. DUNN had been robbed on board the steamboat. The police were at once on the alert for a supposed thief, when, strange to say, a messenger was sent to the station to notify that the missing “ticker” had been discovered in the leg of one of the owner’s boots.
Aug 28th 1872: THE GAS QUESTION – We have reached another step in this most unfortunate matter, Mr. STEPHENSON’S solicitors having issued execution for the balance of his claim and costs, so that the goods and chattels of the Corporation are at this moment in the hands of the sheriff.
Aug 28th 1872: ROYAL IW INFIRMARY BALL – This event took place at the new Townhall on Friday evening, being in aid of the funds of the above institution, when about 300 of the nobility and gentry were present. The decorations were unusually beautiful, having been under the superintendence of Mr. AMES, of London. The refreshment department was entrusted to Mrs. BRADING, and, as usual, gave the greatest satisfaction. Dancing was kept up till morning.
Aug 31st 1872: BAZAAR – A bazaar in aid of the fund for the final debt of £900 on the Wesleyan Chapel, Nelson-street, was held at the Town-hall on Thursday and Friday, and was well attended, so that a good sum towards the object has been realised. To add to the enjoyment of the company several ladies and gentlemen gave selections of vocal and instrumental music during the evenings.
Aug 31st 1872: FIRE – On Wednesday night an alarm of fire was raised in Arthur-street, and great alarm was created among the inhabitants. It appeared that a workshop at 45 Upper Arthur-street, in the occupation of Mr. Richard SAUNDERS, carpenter, had from some unexplained cause taken fire, but the flames were quickly subdued by the exertions of the neighbours.