Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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August 1873

Hampshire advertiser: Agent: Mr. H. N. MILLS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde

Aug 2nd 1873:  A CLERICAL FAILURE – Much astonishment is felt throughout Ryde at the failure of Archdeacon WILSON.  It is said that one of our local county magistrates is a sufferer to the extent of nearly £3000.

Aug 6th 1873:  THE CLUB BALL – It was originally intended that this ball should have taken place at the Townhall.  Alterations have been made, so that the ball will take place, as usual, at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club House.

Aug 6th 1873:  BANK HOLIDAY – This day was not observed here, the Ryde people preferring a holiday at the town regatta. There was a great influx of visitors from the mainland.

Aug 6th 1873:  EDUCATIONAL – A public meeting of the inhabitants was held at the Townhall, on Monday evening, for the purpose of considering a notice, issued by the Education Department, to the effect that local authorities must provide school accommodation for the whole of the parish beside those merely in the borough.  The plan was condemned, and a resolution in accordance therewith carried.

Aug 6th 1873:  THE SHEPHERDS – This branch of the Foresters’ Society held a fete on Monday afternoon in the grounds of Mr. E. M. de BUSSCHE.  A very large number were present, and dancing was kept up with great spirit till 9 o’clock.

Aug 16th 1873:  DEATH OF COASTGUARDSMAN – On Thursday morning, two men, named James NORMAN and James GRIMES, were walking along the shore when they saw a body of a coastguardsman, named Michael COGHLAN, lying on the floor.  The police were communicated with, and a report was made to Dr. BARROW, of Ryde, who ordered the body to be removed to the Ryde coastguard station.  An inquest was subsequently held.

Aug 16th 1873:  HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY – The last of the flower shows for the present season took place at Westfield on Thursday, when there was a very large assemblage of rank and fashion.  The proceedings were enlivened by the performances of a military band.  The show in all respects was superior.

Aug 27th 1873:  INFIRMARY BALL – This grand event took place at the Townhall on Friday evening, when a great number of the gentry of the Island were present.  The decorations were entrusted to Messrs. DIMMICK and Son.  About 10 o’clock the company began to assemble, and soon after that hour dancing commenced to the strains of JONES’s quadrille band from Winchester, and was kept up with great spirit till an early hour.  Refreshments were provided by Mrs. BRADING, of the Masonic Hall.

Aug 27th 1873:  MILITARY BALL – The officers of the 79th Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders gave a farewell ball at the Townhall on Monday night, preparatory to their departure for Aldershot.  There was a large number present, and the band of the regiment was in attendance.

Aug 30th 1873:  BAZAAR AT THE TOWNHALL – On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday a bazaar was held in the justice room of the Townhall, in aid of the funds of the Park-road Baptist Chapel.  On the opening of the bazaar there was a splendid selection of articles for exhibition and sale, but on Thursday evening the bazaar only presented the faint shadow of its departed glory, which of course, was as the trustees of the church wished it to be.

Aug 30th 1873:  MISS EMMA STANLEY – the famous delineator of character, gave her entertainment of “The Seven Ages of Woman” on Wednesday evening in the Victoria Rooms, Lind-street.  There was a very numerous audience, and Miss STANLEY’s performance was entertaining in the highest degree.