August 1911
Isle of Wight Observer
Aug 5th 1911: WESTERN SHORE – A number of noisy hobbledehoys have been fined for making the Western shore hideous and it may have the effect of making the others who frequent the place more orderly.
Aug 5th 1911: YACHTING – The International Yachting Festival which will be held off Ryde on Monday and Tuesday will be one of the most important series of Yacht Races ever held. The Mayor hopes the townspeople will decorate their houses and shops with flags as much as possible.
Aug 5th 1911: RICK FIRE – The Ryde Fire Brigade received an intimation this Friday morning that a hayrick in the grounds of St. John’s House, the residence of Mrs. CARR TATE, had become ignited. It was found that the centre of the rick had been smouldering for some time, for the hay in the middle of the rick and the bedding of wood on which the rick stood, had gone to ashes.
Aug 5th 1911: FORTHCOMING EVENTS – Fri Aug 11th, Band of the Royal Marine Artillery will play on the Western Esplanade at 11.30, on the Eastern Esplanade at 3.30, and the Western Esplanade at 8; The Jovial Harmonics, Esplanade Gardens at 11 and 8.15; “The Marriage of Kitty,” at the Pier Pavilion at 8; The British Motor Boat Club Regatta off Ryde; Royal I.W. County Hospital Ball at the Town Hall, Ryde; Boat trip to Alum Bay, leaving Ryde Pier at 10.50.
Aug 12th 1911: BOY SCOUTS SPORTS – General R. S. FETHERSTONHAUGH has received an intimation that H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg, and H.M. Queen Victoria of Spain, will be present at the Review Sports of the Boy Scouts, which are to be held at Ryde House on Thursday next. It is possible that the King of Spain will also attend. The boys will give displays of ambulance work and at the close of the sports the Scouts will be inspected by Princess Beatrice.
Aug 12th 1911: STRIKE – The strike in London is being felt even in Ryde, as on Thursday it was said there was no fish to be bought in the town.
Aug 12th 1911: ROYALTY – Those people who went on the Pier on Sunday morning had a good view of the King of Spain who was walking about like an ordinary mortal. The King left Ryde for Portsmouth on Tuesday evening at the conclusion of the International races and motored to London.
Aug 12th 1911: SCHOOL SWIMMING – Mr. W. Player BRIGSTOCKE has very kindly presented the Ryde Royal Regatta Committee with a handsome silver challenge cup for a championship prize in the schools swimming. The regatta takes place off the Esplanade on Tuesday next.
Aug 19th 1911: FIRE – Some excitement was caused amongst the bathers on the Bathing Pier on Saturday afternoon by the discovery that one of the large baulks of timber was alight. Fortunately the outbreak was noticed in good time so that it was extinguished by the employees before any great amount of damage was done.
Aug 26th 1911: ENTERTAINER – One of the greatest attractions of the present season at the Pier Pavilion has been Mr. Eugene Le GROS, the celebrated society entertainer from the Coliseum and other leading theatres, who is appearing for the last time in Ryde tomorrow evening. He brings with him the reputation of being a comedian and singer of the first order. He is generally considered as the legitimate successor of the late Corney GRAIN.
Aug 26th 1911: BEAUTY COMPETITION – The Theatre has been crowded each night during the past week, the special attraction being a “Beauty Competition.” There were thirty-two competitors and judging was by the vote of the audience. First prize (silver tea service) went to Miss Gertrude JOHNSON, of Nelson-street. Second prize went to Miss Marie PROOST, 42 Castle-street, and the third prize to Miss Florrie WHITE, 14 Edwards-street.
Aug 26th 1911: FLOWER SERVICE – The annual Flower Service in connection with Weeks Congregational Church was held on Sunday, Mr. J. COOMBES, of East Ham, presiding. Solos were given by Miss M. LOCKE, and a recitation by Miss YOUNG. The address was given by Mr. CHIVERTON.