August 1913
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Aug 2nd 1913: PERIODICALS – At the Pier Pavilion next week an original and clever concert party occupy the boards, styling themselves the “Periodicals.” This is one of the best combinations touring today. Each of the artistes represents a popular period. The costumes are attractive.
Aug 2nd 1913: DRESS – At a meeting in Ryde it referred to the “disgraceful way” in which many women were dressing today. It was agreed that the fashions adopted by the lovely sex today are strange.
Aug 2nd 1913: GAS – A correspondent in a contemporary complains of the price and quality of gas in a certain town, he should come to live in Ryde, where gas is plentiful and cheap—especially in the Council Chamber.
Aug 2nd 1913: DANCER – At the Ryde Pier Pavilion this week is a programme which has aroused considerable enthusiasm. Miss Daphne WYNNE is the principal attraction, and to say, a more beautiful and artistic dancer has not been seen in Ryde. She is of the modern school of dancing, of which Miss PAVLOVA is the most brilliant exponent. Miss WYNNE is very young but is a past mistress of her art.
Aug 9th 1913: CHOIR SUCCESS – The Ryde Band of Hope Union Choir took part in the contest held at Eastleigh and were successful in winning the silver lyre, and first prize in the Senior Section (30 voices). They had obtained 162 marks out of a maximum of 200.
Aug 9th 1913: TEACHER – It was recommended for the appointment of Miss Hilda BUTLER, ex-student teacher, to the Girls Department, Bettesworth-road School at a commencing salary of £40, the appointment to date from the 1st September.
Aug 9th 1913: WEARING OUT THE BOYS – Boys must wear out their boots and clothes but that is no reason why they should wear out their constitutions as well. All boys pride themselves on their powers of endurance. A good plan is to give them Currant Bread or Currant roll at breakfast and tea-time.
Aug 9th 1913: BLUE MOONS – Next week the Pier Pavilion will be occupied by the “Blue Moons,” the well-known concert party, under the direction of Athold TATE. As they have been in Ryde before, many of our readers will remember this clever company.
Aug 9th 1913: GARDEN PARTY – A very pleasant afternoon was spent in a field adjoining Ashey Manor on Monday, when a number of residents in the district gathered together to help an effort in aid of enlarging the schoolroom at Ashey. Following a cricket match, about 50 sat down to tea, and a pleasant whist drive brought the effort to a close.
Aug 16th 1913: COMPLAINTS – The residents of the Strand are complaining that the police do not or cannot, protect them from flower thieves in the early mornings during the summer.
Aug 16th 1913: SPORTS – An extremely interesting display of scoutcraft and athletic sports was given by Boy Scouts on Thursday afternoon, in the grounds of Westmont, Queen’s-road, Ryde, very kindly lent for the occasion by Mrs. GAUSSEN. Upwards of a hundred Scouts took part, and their competitions were watched with the greatest of interest.