August 1914
Isle of Wight Times:-
Aug 6th 1914: EDUCATION COMMITTEE – Miss HOWELL was appointed to the vacancy in the Infants department of the Ryde Church of England School.—The request of Mr. TRODD, headmaster of the Bettesworth-road School, for the use of the school house free of rent was granted.
Aug 6th 1914: APPRECIATION – Quoting from “The Sunday Companion,” the eulogy of Ryde states: “The Isle of Wight has been called the British Madeira and it well deserves that name.” In many respects Ryde is the most important place on the Island and its motto “Amoenitas salubritas urbanitas,” is no exaggeration, “delightful, healthful and refined.”
Aug 13th 1914: BOY SCOUTS – A contingent of the Church of England Boy Scouts has been detained for duty during the daytime at the Ryde Water-works at Ashey and Knighton, their place at night being taken by Territorials.
Aug 13th 1914: TRANSFERS – Before the Borough Bench the following licenses were transferred:- Weeks Hotel, Weeks, from W. J. PRITCHARD to J. W. BENNETT; the King Ludd, Pier-street from F. H. PURNELL to W. G. NEWLAND.
Aug 13th 1914: RED CROSS NURSING – The Ryde men’s detachment of the Red Cross Society are availing themselves of every opportunity for practice. Additional members are urgently needed, preferably those who hold first aid certificates, provided they are not likely to be called up for active service.
Aug 13th 1914: SEASONABLE WARNING – Is it really true that some of the Ryde gentry have been smitten with the war fever and feared that the Island would be speedily starved out. Was it really fright—or a kind of spirit of generosity possessed them to buy up goods for the poor.
Aug 20th 1914: GARMENTS – Thousands of women who cannot leave their homes to attend the sick and wounded will be pleased to know they can give practical service in this time of national crisis. The British Red Cross Society require many thousands of suitable garments which can easily be made at home at very little cost. Required most are helpless-case shirts, mens’ nightshirts, nurses’ aprons and surgeons’ overalls.
Aug 20th 1914: THE BAND – Until further notice the band of the R.M.A. will play on the Western Esplanade gardens on Sunday and Thursday evenings.
Aug 27th 1914: BOWLING CLUB – The MAYBRICK challenge cup has been won by Mr. W. ABRAHAM with 25 points against Mr. G. E. BALDWIN’s (the runner up and previous holder) 20. The junior trophy, held by Mr. F. CRABB, goes this year to Mr. G. W. COLEMAN.
Aug 27th 1914: MISSING – A porter named Harold BALLARD, in the service of the Joint Railway Companies, and employed at the Pier Head, has been missing since Friday evening. He was expected to be on duty on the departure of the mail boat at 9.20, but was last seen in the refreshment rooms about eight o’clock.
Aug 27th 1914: PEACEFUL ISLAND – Mr. Douglas Hall, M.P. for the Island, calls attention to the peaceful and quiet condition of the Island in spite of the war, and points out how unfounded are the foolish rumours, as to the effect that communication with the Island is cut off or that food prices are high or in danger of being increased. The steamboat traffic is practically normal.