Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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August 1915

Isle of Wight County Press:-

Aug 14th 1915: ANIMALS – All the best horses having been bought for the Army, traction and farm work has to be done by animals of inferior condition, also in many cases being in charge of men or boys unaccustomed to dealing with them owing to those who understand the work having joined the Army.

Aug 14th 1915: THEATRE ROYAL – “The Prisoner of Zenda,” the feature film shown during the first part of the week, drew particularly large audiences, in spite of other attractions. The sequel film shown at this end of the week has proved equally as popular.

Aug 14th 1915: MOTOR ACCIDENT – Ernest BROWN, of 21 Bettesworth-place, employed as errand-boy, was run over by a motor-car in High-street on Thursday morning. He slipped from his bicycle and fell on the road and the car ran over his arm. BROWN was picked up and taken to the Hospital in the car.

Aug 14th 1915: CADET CORPS – A meeting, with the view of forming a cadet corps in connection with the Volunteer Corps, was held at the Town Hall. Mr. J. W. TRODD, commander of the Ryde Company V.T.C. explained the scheme, and as a result a corps was formed and some 50 youths became members.

Aug 14th 1915: POUND DAY – All friends of the Royal I.W. County Hospital, Ryde, are earnestly requested to contribute for its benefit, and bring at least 1lb. in Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Sugar, Marmalade, Brand’s or Valentine’s Essence, Bacon, Rice, Quaker Oats, Cheese, Flour, Dried and Bottled Fruits, and Vegetables. Also gifts of Gold, Silver, or Coppers. Articles that will keep best are most useful.

Aug 14th 1915: DEFENCE AREA – Yachts and pleasure craft which have been placed at the disposal of Naval or Military Hospital Authorities or which are used for cruising with convalescents, will be given a Red Cross Permit, this entitles the owner to make use of the vessel to carry out the said duties only.

Aug 14th 1915: TOBACCO FUND – Through the County Press Tobacco Fund readers can send two ounces of Tobacco, 30 Cigarettes, and some matches, to the home value of 1/6, to soldiers and sailors on active services for the small sum of 6d. French Customs have waived tobacco duties and the War Office are forwarding parcels free of charge.

Aug 21st 1915: PROFESSION – Princess Cica of Bourbon-Parma, on Sunday morning made the profession of a nun at the Convent of St. Cecilia, Ryde, in the presence of the Bishop of Portsmouth. Her brothers, Prince Sixte and Prince Xavier of Parma, who are Army officers serving under their relative, the King of the Belgians, in the fighting in Flanders, specially visited the Island for the ceremony.

Aug 21st 1915: SHORTAGE OF NEWSPAPER – Many newspapers are issuing the following notice, and we would ask our readers to assist in the same way. “Owing to the threatened shortage of paper, it behoves newspaper publishers at once to exercise the strictest economy. Readers are earnestly asked, therefore, to assist the newsagents to keep down unsold copies by giving a regular order.”

Aug 21st 1915: CONGRESS – The British Archaeological Association has been holding an informal congress in the Island, with Ryde as its headquarters. The Association last visited the Island in 1855. The Mayor of Ryde held a reception at the Pier Hotel on Wednesday evening, when most of the delegates were present. He sincerely trusted that it would not be such a long interval before they visited again.

Aug 21st 1915: BOWLS – At the invitation of Major Charles SWEETMAN, the colonel and officers of the 3rd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, together with the members of the Bowling Club and their friends, were entertained to a friendly bowls match and tea on the Corporation greens on Saturday afternoon. The Band of the Battalion played in the gardens and attracted a large audience.

Aug 21st 1915: HANWAY STROLLERS – On Monday evening these strollers gave their second performance in the bandstand at the Western Esplanade gardens. The entertainment was well patronised.