August 1919
Isle of Wight Observer:
Aug 2nd 1919: RURAL HOUSING – Mr. S. R. COCKS of Ryde, will be the architect of the I.W. Rural District Council in connection with their Housing scheme, which will be immediately proceeded with.
Aug 2nd 1919: CHILDREN’S GALA Under the auspices of the Ryde Cricket and Sports Club it is proposed to hold a Children’s gala day on Thursday, August 28, at Partlands, when there will be sports and other amusements. The events are open to visitors.
Aug 2nd 1919: PEACE DECORATIONS – The very tasteful and artistic display at the Royal Eagle Hotel, facing the Pier, where the proprietress had been at great pains and expense to arrange something worthy of the occasion. A large Union Jack covered the centre of the building from top to bottom, and the balcony was made extremely pretty with festoons of red, white, and blue roses, whilst festoons of ivy and a special electric light installation gave the front of the hotel a most brilliant effect which attracted general attention.
Aug 2nd 1919: COLLISIONS – With motors of all kinds growing in popularity it will not be surprising if we hear of “some” accidents. There are, as most people know, several dangerous cross-roads and turnings in the Ryde district and too much care cannot be taken by motorists and cyclists in order to avoid collisions. Pedestrians are also frequently to blame when they take little notice of the motor horn or the cyclists bell, though it is true the latter is not always sounded in time for the unfortunate pedestrian to get out of the way.
Aug 9th 1919: BOAT UPSET – As a boat was proceeding from the seaplane towards Ryde Pier on Monday afternoon it upset, the three occupants being thrown into the water. The pilot saved himself by swimming back to his machine whilst the others clung to the boat and were eventually rescued.
Aug 9th 1919: UNEMPLOYMENT – At the meeting of the Isle of Wight Employment Committee on the 31st ult., it was reported that £2139 was paid at Ryde for five weeks, ended July 11th, the number on the register being 291 men and 10 women.
Aug 9th 1919: BANK HOLIDAY – Certain rowdyism which occurred at the Pierhead on Bank holiday may be the subject of police-court proceedings. It is difficult to manage such a vast crowd as were waiting for the boats on Monday and the officials are entitled to be protected from unruly trippers. These rowdies dare not attempt similar tactics on the mainland side or they would be very soon “run in.”
Aug 9th 1919: MOONLIGHT FLIT – The sudden dispersal of the Boys’ camp at Binstead and the abandonment of the sports led to certain rumours. “Rumour is a lying jade,” but according to all accounts, there will be something in the rumours. It was almost a case of a “moonlight flit.”
Aug 16th 1919: DEBUT – Miss Ellen TERRY made her debut in England at the Ryde Theatre. She will be filmed next week in “Her Greatest Performance” at that resort.
Aug 23rd 1919: DISCOVERED – Visitors are pretty keen in getting familiar with out-of-the-way places in Ryde. One discovered “Monkey Mead” this week somewhere in St. John’s Wood Road district. Another found there used to be Botany Bay—the sloping road by the Coastguard Station, where a blacksmith’s shop once was.
Aug 23rd 1919: A HITCH – Owing to a hitch in the arrangements it is uncertain whether we shall see the Tank here on Wednesday after all.
Aug 30th 1919: STALLS – There is no particular demand for the stalls at the Town Hall to be re-opened for the sale of produce. The chances are that the persons who would be hit the hardest by municipal markets would be the struggling tradesmen in a small way of business, and goodness knows they are handicapped enough already with the heavy rates and taxes and the increased wages of employees.