August 1923
Isle of Wight County Press:
Aug 4th 1923: LAWN TENNIS – The final stages of the Ryde lawn tennis tournament proved the most exciting for many years. Sir G. A. THOMAS again won the men’s singles, and Miss V. B. SOUTHAM won the ladies’. Mrs. STOCKS, the holder, not competing. The finals of the men’s doubles was a contest between youth and age. Experience proved victorious in the end.
Aug 4th 1923: OUTING – A large party from Emsworth Church Sunday-school spent the day at Ryde, on Monday, on the occasion of their annual outing. The Revs. HUNT and ALYEO accompanied the young people.
Aug 4th 1923: GEORGE MORANT – always attracts a large audience in London. His visit to the Theatre Royal next Tuesday should therefore prove a great success. As a variety artiste he is in a class by himself, and on Tuesday he will be supported by other well-known artistes.
Aug 4th 1923: HIS CHIEF CONCERN – On Tuesday afternoon a young man and his lady companion were in a canoe on the boating-lake when it capsized, and they were both thrown into the water. The water is, of course, very shallow, and they were soon on their feet. But the young man’s chief concern was not the welfare of his lady companion. He immediately took his watch from his pocket and thoroughly inspected it to see if the water had affected it’s working. The couple were assisted out of the water, none the worse for their sudden immersion.
Aug 4th 1923: ROAD SWITCHBACK – Next half-year’s estimates will include the repair of Arthur-street. The Mayor told the Council on Friday that he sometimes road along that road on a bicycle: it was a real switchback.
Aug 4th 1923: GARAGE ESCAPES – A shed adjoining a garage in Argyle-street was burned down on Thursday night. The fire Brigade was called, and succeeded in keeping the fire from spreading to the garage, which belonged to Mr. ANDERSON, of Coomb Leigh. The shed belonged to a neighbour.
Aug 18th 1923: ON THE “SCENT” – The penny-in-the-slot scent machines placed on the Eastern and Western Esplanade have been tampered with. Pieces of cardboard were found wedged inside and other attempts at interference have been noticed.
Aug 18th 1923: TRUE TEMPERANCE – The Fellowship of Freedom and Reform held a meeting on the front on Thursday, when the case against Local Option and Prohibition was explained by Messrs. F. J. HAND and F. A. WOOLFE. The large assemblage carried a resolution against supporting any prospective legislator in favour of local Option on Prohibition.
Aug 25th 1923: JUVENILE REGATTA – The 13th annual Ryde Juvenile Regatta was held on Thursday, and an exceptionally large crowd witnessed the afternoon’s lengthy programme. The clerk of the weather was anything but lavish in his favours, but the occasion was such an attraction that when the rain was at its heaviest, a large number were present. An orchestra played selections and the Canoe-lake was gaily decorated.
Aug 25th 1923: PRINCESS BEATRICE – visited an establishment in Union-street on Monday morning. A large crowd collected in the rain outside, and waited half an hour for Her Royal Highness to reappear. On leaving the premises she was pleased to accept a bottle of scent from Mrs. SANDY.
Aug 25th 1923: COMPLAINTS OF HIGH PRICES – for fruit and vegetables have been received this week from residents and visitors in Ryde. A comparison of prices this week: Apples – Ryde 10d. per lb. Portsmouth 2½d. Pears – Ryde 2d. each. Portsmouth 1½d. each; Another resident complains that a brand of dairy butter (made on the Island) costs 2/2 in Ryde and 2/- in the best class quarter of Southsea.