August 1971
Isle of Wight County Press:
Aug 7th 1971: HOSPITAL CLUB FETE – Takings amounted to about £255 at the Royal I.W. County Hospital Sports and Social Club annual fete in the grounds of the Nurses’ Home on Saturday. A donation is to be made to the hospital coronary care unit. Tradespeople in the town contributed articles and prizes for the stalls and competitions. Mrs. I Munns conducted obedience tests with her Alsatian, Trixie. The 1st Newport Scout band played and gave formation marching. The fete was opened by Mr. Chris Peacock of Southern Television.
Aug 7th 1971: STUDENTS’ TOUR – About 30 Swedish students were shown around the Town Hall on Monday by Alderman and Mrs. J. LANGDON, mayor and mayoress, and Mr. R. F. SEARLE, deputy town clerk. They were the second batch of students to be shown round, taken on to the roof and given a talk on both the national and local government system in this country.
Aug 7th 1971: CHURCH LAND SOLD – Holy Trinity Church stonework fund will benefit by approximately £4000 as the result of the sale of church land for £4300 at an auction by Messrs. Harry STEADMAN and Company, at Dean House Hotel on Thursday week. The purchaser was a local builder.
Aug 7th 1971: PETITION OVER DOGS – Ryde Town Council Housing Committee reported that a petition had been received from Slade Road tenants complaining about dogs roaming the area, fouling the grass, tearing the dust bags, and generally causing nuisance to the tenants.
Aug 7th 1971: NOW OR NEVER – Ryde Town Council decided on Tuesday to provide a bathing pool at the café end of the canoe lake at an estimated cost of £30,000. This replaces a plan to construct a swimming pool at North Walk foreshore. The council also decided that a new theatre to replace the Esplanade Pavilion should be programmed for 1974-5.
Aug 14th 1971: SEA SEARCH – A hovercraft from Hovertravel Ltd., put to sea with Ryde inshore rescue boat, Seaspray, and the police launch, Ashburton, on Saturday after a report that a man had jumped into the sea off St. Helens. All three launches made a thorough search of the area but no one was found. Later the man was believed to have been a skin diver as a boat was seen leaving the area shortly after the incident.
Aug 21st 1971: ITS OFF – The Isle of Wight pop festival planned for Bank Holiday Monday Aug 30th, is off, a High Court judge was told on Wednesday. Undertakings were given by the owners of four possible sites which had been earmarked for the festival that they would not permit their land to be used for such a festival.
Aug 28th 1971: BOY RELEASED – Firemen were called to Ryde Esplanade Cornwall slip on Sunday to free a ten-year-old Aldershot boy who had got his foot stuck in a metal grill which was about two feet under water. The firemen took only a few minutes to rescue the boy.
Aug 28th 1971: GIRLS’ BRIGADE – Nineteen members of the 2nd Ryde company attached to the Congregational Church recently completed a week’s camp at Beechgrove, Corbett Road, the company headquarters. Many outings were arranged and they attended a show at Ryde Pavilion and helped at the church garden fete. Lieutenant J. SIMS organised and led the camp. Throughout the week Mrs. P. PARRIS prepared all sandwiches and food for picnics as well as packing all the picnic boxes.
Aug 28th 1971: ANGLERS ENTERTAIN – Club officials of the Vectis Boating and Fishing Club entertained Mr. J. D. GROOM, deputy mayor, Mrs. GROOM, and Mr. E. SHEPPARD (former town clerk) at their headquarters on Saturday. The gesture was a mark of appreciation to the Town Council for the help and co-operation they have given the club in acquiring the new base in Quay Road.