August 1973
Isle of Wight County Press:
Aug 4th 1973: ANGLERS HELP HANDICAPPED – Three chair-mobiles for use by Island people, brought with money raised by the IW Federation of Angling Clubs, were officially presented during the annual fete of Fairlee Hospital on Saturday. A number of schools and organisations are helping, including children at Green Mount County Primary School, Ryde, who have collected enough trading stamps to provide a chair.
Aug 4th 1973: IN A VAN – A young Ryde couple with a baby son are living in an old van, unable to find accommodation because, they say, landlords “have a down” on tenants with children. By-laws make it impossible for them to stay anywhere for long—various car parks, the downs, and Appley Park have been recent short stop places.
Aug 4th 1973: BUS DRIVERS – The shortage of bus drivers is having its effect on the Island, where Southern Vectis is operating with a staff 15 per cent below the required level. Mr. D. HOWE, traffic manager, said the shortage was a seasonal one. They were making every effort to recruit people, including clerks, inspectors and supervisors, to help out.
Aug 4th 1973: GOLF TOURNEY – Ryde Youth Centre have completed their annual internal golf tournament at the Appley “pitch and putt” golf course. About 20 members took part in the competition which has been going on for several weeks. The singles event was won by Keith WARREN, who, with Michael LEAL, won the doubles section.
Aug 11th 1973: ONE-WAY SYSTEM – Mr. BROWNSDON’S suggestion for a one-way traffic system for the Argyll/Green Street area in Ryde might be workable but for at least one reason, viz., the corners to be negotiated by all vehicles (including double-decker buses and heavy lorries) would make progress very slow and probably bring traffic to a standstill in some cases. And what about the long-suffering residents of Argyll Street, who have seen this “back-lane” converted into little short of a race track?
Aug 11th 1973: PAT ON THE BACK – Island traders received a pat on the back from the Customs and Excise Department this week for their conscientious response to the changeover to Value Added Tax. At the moment there is an educational campaign of visits to Island traders and it is hoped every trader will be seen in due course. The tax has been in operation for four months.
Aug 11th 1973: SAFETY TEAM – Concern at the number of drowning incidents in swimming pools has prompted the formation by Island police of a special pool safety team. Eleven officers, including three sergeants, who are all qualified lifesavers, have been selected to visit all swimming pools in the Island and to advise pool owners and people supervising children at pools on aspects of water safety.
Aug 11th 1973: AN EASY WINNER – In Ryde Harriers 10,000 metre track championship for senior men, Graham DUGDALE again proved his superiority when he finished a lap ahead of the second runner. Graham’s time for the 25 laps was 33 minutes 30 seconds, with Jim MCNERNEY second in 35m.15s.
Aug 11th 1973: FULL HOUSE – A long time has elapsed since a “house full” notice was last placed outside the Esplanade Pavilion, Ryde, but this happened on Sunday evening for a performance of “The Show of Shows 1973.” Audiences have steadily increased over the last month.
Aug 11th 1973: SHIPSHAPE – Armed with paint pots, brushes and other decorating tools, an 11-man naval team arrived at Ryde on Friday to take part in an annual exercise, they were on their way to redecorate the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service luncheon club centre at Newport Street, Ryde. The men were all trainee special duties officers from HMS St. George, Eastney, and the project was part of their training. The team had just 24 hours to travel from their barracks, carry out their task, and return to base.
Aug 11th 1973: SEAWEED MENACE – Sargassum muticum, the Japanese seaweed which first appeared earlier this summer on rocks at Forelands, Bembridge has now spread. The only way the weed can be dealt with is by uprooting it and disposing of it at a safe distance from the beach. Its presence is undesirable because of its rapid growth and danger to small boats, fishing, and to eel grass.