December 1856
RYDE NEWS DECEMBER 1856 (150 years ago)
Isle of Wight Observer
Dec 13th 1856: RYDE SHOPS – The Shopkeepers of Ryde have announced their intention of closing their shops on Friday, the day after Christmas, to allow those in their employ to visit their friends.
Dec 13th 1856: WATER WORKS – The water works at Ashey are at length completed, the permanent pumps being fixed in both wells and all gear is in efficient and working order.
Dec 13th 1856: ENLARGEMENT OF THE TOWN HALL – A feeling of great dissatisfaction exists amongst the ratepayers, that no steps were taken at the last commissioners meeting to bring the question of squandering away a thousand or two of pounds upon enlarging the town hall, to a final issue.
Dec 20th 1856: SOUP KITCHEN – Of all the numerous charities of this town, none more perhaps have afforded more seasonable relief to the poor than that of the Soup Kitchen, the operation of which will be re-commenced on the Monday after Christmas. As the weather again has set in with severity, we hope that a liberal response will be made to the appeal of the Committee.
Dec 20th 1856: CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS – Several old Christmas customs are extant in this locality: Bands of poor women “go-a-gooding,” that is, wait upon the known generous rich for doles of various kinds; “Christmas Carols,” are as numerous as holly berries, “Christmas Boxes,” too, still survive, though many attempts have been made to suppress them.
Dec 20th 1856: ISLE OF WIGHT INFIRMARY – A special meeting of the governors was held to elect a house surgeon in the room of Mr. REYNOLDS, who had resigned and also a matron in the room of Mrs. PASCOE. The choice fell upon Mr. FORSHALL for house surgeon and Mrs. DEFOUR was elected matron.