December 1859
Isle of Wight Observer
Dec 3rd 1859: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – The Countess METAXA and Capt. George and Mrs. HANCOCK arrived at their residence 1 Brigstocke Terrace; Mrs. and Miss ANDERSON have removed from Hanway Lodge to number 8 Brigstocke Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. NUGENT of Richmond House, Strand, entertained a party at dinner on Wednesday evening last.
Dec 3rd 1859: BIRDS – A beautiful pair of Haw-finches were shot on Tuesday last near Brading and are now being preserved by Mr. F. BEAZLEY.
Dec 3rd 1859: APPOINTMENT – Commander MACKENZIE, who, during his short appointment as Chief of the Coast Guards in the Isle of Wight has gained the esteem of all who have come into contact with him, has received an appointment on Foreign Service.
Dec 3rd 1859: WORKMEN’S READING ROOM – We are glad to hear this room is about to be re-opened for the season. The committee have fixed Thursday next for a public tea for the members and their friends, on which occasion we hope there will be a good attendance.
Dec 17th 1859: ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH – The line to Ryde in connection with the International Company is now open for traffic; and we have already found one inconvenience attending the present arrangements with regard to it. The office is situated close to the Town Hall, but the clerk resides in Castle-street, which is near half a mile off, so on Sunday last when a man came in from the country and wanted to telegraph in great haste, it took him nearly half an hour before he had accomplished his object.
Dec 17th 1859: WEATHER – During the past week the weather has been very cold, which much aggravates the wonts of the poor. There are some circumstances, however, in their favour, labour is plentiful and provisions are cheap. Very large takes of fish have been brought ashore lately and sold at reasonable prices. The thermometer fell below 30º, and it froze in the sun.
Dec 17 1859: RYDE COMMISSIONERS – A report with plan was brought up by the Highway Committee for erecting twelve lamps on the Newport-road at Swanmore and Weeks at a cost of £6.10s. a year per lamp. The report was negative, and only four for it, namely, Messrs. CUTLER, COLENUTT, FUTCHER, and WILLIAMS.
Dec 17th 1859: QUADRILLE PARTY – A very gay quadrille party met at the Victoria Rooms on Monday last, Mr. W. BEAZLEY, jun., acting as M.C. The arrangements made gave entire satisfaction.
Dec 17th 1859: FINANCIAL STATE OF RYDE – The long talked-of Statement of Mr. Thomas HELLYER, relative to the financial state of Ryde, has been made, and will be found in the report of the Commissioners meeting and we think it may be left to tell its own tale. It is certainly very elaborate, and if correct, demands immediate attention.
Dec 17th 1859: LECTURE BY GENTLEMAN OF COLOR – On Monday evening last a lecture was delivered at the Assembly Rooms by Mr. W. WATSON, a gentleman of color, and late student of King’s College, London, on the “Education and Trades of the Coloured Subjects of the Queen in the British Colonies.” A collection was made for the lecturer at the close of the address.
Dec 24th 1859: THE RISING GENERATION – The examination of the children connected with the various public schools have taken place during the week previous to the holidays with satisfactory results, and prizes in books, clothing &c awarded. Next week the children will be treated with tea, presents from the Christmas tree &c.
Dec 24th 1859: POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS – The postal arrangements have been much altered this past week, but we presume it is in consequence of the state of the roads, as the mail-cart has not left Cowes for Ryde until after daylight hours in the morning. The alteration is a great inconvenience to such as ourselves to whom a couple of hours makes a material difference.
Dec 24th 1859: CATHOLIC CHURCH – In accordance with the wishes of the Bishop of the Catholic diocese of Southwark, the usual high mass at midnight will, in future, be discontinued, so that our friends that have been wont to attend the grand celebrations which have been held at St. Mary’s, Ryde, will be disappointed of their annual treat.
Dec 31st 1859: CHRISTMAS – Our Christmas passed off quietly this year. Owing to its falling on a Sunday there was not the merriment and feasting as usual. The weather too was anything but Christmas weather. On Monday there was an entire suspension of business, and our streets wore an unusual air of desolation, being wet and gloomy with very few cheerful faces therin. We trust that indoor enjoyments were more than equal to the outdoor dreariness.