December 1861
Isle of Wight Observer
Dec 14th 1861: UNPUNISHED MISCHIEF – Lately some miscreants have perpetrated several acts of mischief on the bathing machines of Mr. Joseph KENT, at the Marine Baths. Amongst other offences, they have stolen a lead pipe from the shore, used to pump salt water into the bathing rooms.
Dec 14th 1861: BATTALION BAND – This band dined together on Monday evening at the Green Dragon tavern. A first rate spread was placed upon the table by Host FAIRALL; and when the cloth was removed, song, toast, and glee was called for, and a merry evening was spent.
Dec 14th 1861: FASHIONABLE BALL – A grand ball will take place at the Town-Hall on Wednesday next, for the benefit of Mr. J. G. JONES, who has superintended with marked ability the musical arrangements of most of the balls held in Ryde for the last 10 years. It is fully expected that the ball will be numerously and fashionably attended, as Mr. JONES was held in great esteem by the gentry around Ryde.
Dec 21st 1861: RYDE NATIONAL SCHOOLS – On Thursday last, Mr. James DAMP, pupil-teacher of the above schools, was presented with a silver watch from his fellow teachers, scholars and friends as a testimonial of their respect and esteem, he having successfully completed the term of his apprenticeship.
Dec 21st 1861: TOWN IMPROVEMENTS – A movement is set on foot to “consider the best way of developing the natural resources of the town.”
Dec 21st 1861: ANNOUNCEMENT – His Royal Highness Albert Francis Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Prince Consort of England, has died at Windsor Castle at 10.50 p.m. on Saturday, the 14th of December, 1861, aged 42 years.
Dec 28th 1861: TEA SUPPER – The parents of the school children of Trinity District Schools were invited by the clergy and district ladies to the annual Christmas tea supper at the Victoria Rooms, on Thursday evening. The Rev. A. J. WADE presided, and the hungry were filled with good things, and none were sent empty away.
Dec 28th 1861: CHRISTMAS – The tide of Christmas from time immemorial one of lustful festivity and muscular enjoyment, but times and ceremonies have undergone a change. “Our fathers” –vigorous old and Christian ancients kept it with more celebration if with less refinement than ourselves.
Dec 28th 1861: CHRISTMAS SHOW – The butchers’ shops of the town, during Christmas week, presented an uncommonly animated appearance. Thronged with people eager to purchase their Christmas dinners, each shelf and hook ladened with fattened meat. The grocers also made a first rate show rivalling each other in the quantity and quality of the fruit exhibited.
Dec 28th 1861: CHRISTMAS CHARITY – Sir William MARTINS and Blackall SYMONDS Esq., distributed their customary Christmas gifts this week to the poor, and made many a Christmas hearth happy and one of grateful feasting that otherwise perchance would have been desolate and fasting. Mr. PETERS also gave away the charity left by the late Miss LIND to several poor people, gladdening their hearts and driving the wolf from their doors.
Dec 28th 1861: CHRISTMAS BOUNTY – “Open House,” according to annual custom, was kept on Boxing Day at Mr. NOTTAGE’s , YELF’s Shades. One and all who entered was entertained with roast beef and good cheer, and made merry with the good old customs kept up at the “Baronial Hall.”