December 1862
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Dec 6th 1862: MEMORIAL TABLET – A beautifully-executed monument has been this week erected in Trinity Church, to the memory of a young lady, “the only child of her parents,” who died at Ryde a few years ago after a lingering illness. It consists of a Gothic basement of Carrarn marble, above which lies extended on a couch the portrait figure of a young and unwasted form, still lovely, as if death were but a soft slumber.
Dec 6th 1862: NIGHT TELEGRAPH – On Tuesday night some of the Royal Engineers tried several experiments in the north east topmost room of the Royal Eagle hotel, to test the newly-invented system of telegraphing by night. Communications were sent from the Eagle, to the Baltic tower on the Portsmouth side, on to Portsdown hill; and vice versa. The lantern used is somewhat similar to a magic lantern.
Dec 6th 1862: CHRISTMAS TREES – Several trees, well-stocked with useful and fancy articles, manufactured by the scholars of the Congregational Church schools, will be exhibited for sale in the Town Hall during the ensuing week. Proceeds will be devoted to the liquidation of the debt on the Sunday schools.
Dec 6th 1862: MONUMENTAL – The congregation of St. Marie’s, as a token of respect for the lamented Miss ELLIOTT, have placed a mural in the north aisle of the church, at their sole expense, to perpetuate her memory. It consists of a marble slab, size about 4ft x 2ft, fixed into the wall. The arms of the deceased lady and her friend, the foundress of the church, are placed in a prominent position on the upper part.
Dec 13th 1862: HOTEL SCHEMES – Two prospectuses for erecting hotels at Ryde, under the Limited Liability Act., have lately been advertised. The first was called the Ryde Esplanade Hotel Company, with a capital of £30,000; the hotel to be built on a site near Kemp’s Marine Baths. The other project is called the Queen’s Hotel Company, with a capital of £50,000, and the site selected is known as the Castle. They will form decidedly the finest buildings in Ryde, with every modern improvements.
Dec 13th 1862: SUPERINTENDENT – Applications and testimonials from candidates for the appointment of burial ground superintendent numbered 10 in number, these were read by the Clerk. Frederick FOUNTAIN aged 46; George REID 25; Joseph WARDER 31; Thomas GUY 32; James JAMES 27; Henry IMPORT 60; James Elias SELLARS 37; James WITNEY 32; John SALTER 38; George ROBINS 40. Henry IMPORT was declared elected.
Dec 20th 1862: BURIAL BOARD – Plans for the erection of superintendent’s lodge, &c. at the cemetery, has been prepared by Mr. NEWMAN the surveyor, and were now produced. Handbills to be issued for tenders for carrying out the plans; the cost not to exceed £250.
Dec 20th 1862: EXAMINATION – The juveniles placed under the care of Miss FIRTH at the infant school in Mount-street, for the purpose of having the rudiments of learning instilled into their little minds, will be tested on Tuesday next for the purpose of ascertaining the exact amount of A B C lore they have ensconced within their craniums.
Dec 27th 1862: POLICE COURT – A female bacchanal name CARR was brought up in custody and charge with being drunk and incapable. PC KNIGHT stated that on the afternoon of Wednesday last, the prisoner was in the street drunk with a crowd of people round her. She was taken into custody. CARR was fined 5s. and 7s.6d. costs and allowed a week to pay it in, and in default to be put into the stocks for 6 hours.