December 1864
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Dec 3rd 1864: ADVENT SERVICES – We understand that the chapel at the old cemetery is once more to be utilised, as in the days of the late Vicar; and that services will be held once or twice a week during Advent.
Dec 3rd 1864: VICTORIA ROOMS – Miss CORKE, this talented lady delivered a lecture at these rooms on Friday last, on “Strong-minded Women.” The weather no doubt prevented many from attending.
Dec 3rd 1864: IW INFIRMARY – For the week ending Wednesday last.—Patients admitted, 4; discharged, 4; died, 0; remaining in the house, 18. Out-patients on the books, 120.
Dec 3rd 1864: ADVERT – Secret Diseases in all their multifacious forms and varieties confidentally, judiciously, and successfully treated from 25 years practical experience, by Joseph BROWN, Medical Chemist, Ryde.
Dec 10th 1864: CHRISTMAS – As Christmas this year falls upon a Sunday, we are requested to urge the public to pronounce in favour of a holiday on the Monday following. We will use towards shopkeepers a generally-supposed vulgar, but in this case and extremely appropriate phrase, “shut up.”
Dec 10th 1864: CELEBRATION – Of a somewhat novel though of a highly-interesting character took place on Monday evening, at the Star Inn, on the occasion of the coming of age of four gentlemen of long-known musical and literary circles of the town—Messrs. F. S. SMITH, J. POTTS, G. P. FENWICK, and J. BULSTRODE, who invited about 50 guests to partake of their hospitality on the happy occasion.
Dec 10th 1864: RAILWAY – Our little Railway was opened from Ryde to Shanklin on the 23rd of August, and as the traffic return last issued ended on the 26th November, it will, therefore, be interesting to examine its progress as some guide to its prospects.
Dec 17th 1864: NELSON PLACE – The Chairman read a request from the inhabitants of this district, in which they stated that there was so great a deficiency of light that it rendered passers-by liable to accident. They also complained that in this respect they were not so well treated as other localities were, and strongly urged the Board to make an alteration.
Dec 17th 1864: ACCIDENT – In the High-street, a load of straw was being delivered to Mr. FITCH from Bembridge farm, when the horses took fright at a baker’s cart, and ran violently against the gas lamp in front of Mr. James LAKE’s house, tearing it out of its socket.
Dec 24th 1864: CHRISTMAS TREAT FOR SNOBS – The liberality of the United Steam Company has, during the Christmas holidays, reached the astonishing height of allowing those who may be snobbishly inclined to strut on the quarter deck at fore deck prices. But ordinary fares are to be charged on the fore deck.
Dec 31st 1864: TRADE – Ryde is expanding in all directions, from Quarr on the west to St. Clare on the east, and gentlemen’s seats are springing up wherever a piece of land can be obtained on the seaboard; whilst southward it is extending to Haylands. As the railway is developed the town will doubtless become more commercial; and the environs in the parishes of Binstead and St. Helens will become more fashionable.