December 1865
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Dec 2nd 1865: PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY – A lecture will be delivered at this institution on Monday evening, on “The Structure and Origin of Stonehenge,” a subject that will no doubt attract a large audience.
Dec 2nd 1865: LATE REV. J. TELFORD – We have been favored with a view of an enlarged photograph of this lamented priest of St. Marie’s Catholic Church, which has been executed by Mr. HUGHES. It is a very beautiful work of art and strikingly like the deceased, and can, we understand, be procured at the studio, in the Arcade, or of Mr. FENWICK, next to the church.
Dec 16th 1865: ATTEMPTED BURGLARY – On Tuesday morning an attempt was made to enter the premises of Mr. James BOWER, of Hill-street. Fortunately his daughter heard them and gave an alarm, the result of which, the attempt failed. It is to be regretted, that the would-be robbers made their escape.
Dec 16th 1865: LAMPS – A humble petition of Joseph WALLBRIDGE to the honorable Board of Commissioners stated, will much oblige if you will be so kind as to put up, place or fix not less than two lamps in that narrow, dark and almost lonely lane or street now called Star-street. Neither myself nor wife can go out these dark evenings without a lantern.
Dec 16th 1865: BINSTEAD – This usually quiet village was the scene of great festivity and enjoyment on Tuesday and Wednesday last, on which days the tenants of the FLEMING estate assembled in large numbers at the Fleming-Arms, it being the annual audit. The toast of “Health and long life to Mr. FLEMING” was drank with the greatest enthusiasm.
Dec 23rd 1865: CHRISTMAS FARE – Our local tradesmen seem to have made most extraordinary preparations for the supply of their customers at the present season; far more abundant indeed are the supplies than on any previous occasion. Judging from the supply of meat at Mr. DASHWOOD’S and other butchers, anyone could scarcely believe in the existence of the cattle plague.
Dec 23rd 1865: TREAT – The annual treat to the parents of the children attending the National Schools came off on Wednesday evening at the Victoria-rooms. Nearly 200 persons sat down to an excellent tea : supplied by Mr. HALL, of Union-street abundantly. After the tables had been cleared the vicar distributed the prizes to the Sunday-school scholars.
Dec 23rd 1865: AUCTION – Desirable licensed house for sale. “The Wheat Sheaf,” situate in Nelson-street, Ryde, now in the occupation of Henry KNAPP, as yearly tenant at £18 per annum; together with Blacksmith’s Shop and other Buildings; the whole rental of £40 per annum. Held under lease for 99 years, dated 21st April, 1849. Subject to a ground rent of £5.
Dec 30th 1865: THE POSTMEN – This exceedingly useful, hard-working, and ill-paid class of Her Majesty’s subjects have issued their annual address to the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood, which we trust will be liberally responded to.
Dec 30th 1865: VOLUNTEERS – On Tuesday evening last a very comfortable party of Volunteers assembled at Mr. BOYCE’s, in Pier-street, under the presidency of Sergeant-Instructor HOLLAND, of the Ryde corps. This pleasant gathering arose from the fact of the members of the Ryde corps wishing to wind up the season in a jovial way.
Dec 30th 1865: WILL O’ THE WISP PAPER – This elegant pastime, in the saloon, garden, or for picnic parties, produces a brilliant flame, in various colours, resembling the Will o’ the Wisp; is inexplosive, and leaves no trace nor smell behind. Price 6d. per Book. To be had everywhere.