Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

December 1866

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Dec 8th 1866:  THE THEATRE – The members of the United Services Dramatic Club gave a performance at this favorite place of amusement on Monday evening.  The house was crowded with a brilliant array of rank and fashion. The performance being in every respect a brilliant success, each scene having been highly  applauded by the audience.  Their objects are good, for when not named for any special charity the profits of their performances are handed over to a fund for the relief of distressed artistes.

Dec 8th 1866:  ADVERT – Established 1810. The original and only Muffin Baker in the Island. W. BEAZLEY begs to inform the gentry and inhabitants of Ryde and neighbourhood that he supplies Muffins and Crumpets fresh daily. Orders received only at 149 High-street, Ryde.—Genuine White and Brown Bread, Biscuits, &c.

Dec 15th 1866:  ANNUAL CATTLE SHOW – We had the pleasure of stating in our last issue that two of the breeders of stock in the Island were about to exhibit at the great Smithfield Cattle Show.  It is, therefore, gratifying to read the following in the list of awards:  “Devon heifers, not exceeding four years old—first prize of £25 to no. 32, Mr. J. DASHWOOD, Ryde Isle of Wight, and silver medal; to the breeder, Mr. BAILEY, Wellington.”

Dec 15th 1866:  OPENING DINNER AT THE GREEN DRAGON – On Wednesday evening last there was a large muster of friends of Mr. Matthew NEWMAN, who formerly kept the Royal Eagle hotel, Ryde, but subsequently the Star hotel, Newport, gathered around him to celebrate the opening of the above well-known hotel.  He has now returned to Ryde, amongst his old friends, and that he has a large number in both towns was evidenced at the opening dinner.  The large billiard-room had been specially prepared.

Dec 22nd 1866:  CHRISTMAS FARE – The tradesmen have provided the substantial’s and delicacies of the season in great abundance.  Butchers, grocers, poulterers, fruiterers, and all who supply the good things of this life seem to have vied with each other on this occasion.  The reputation of the town in this respect has therefore been fully maintained.

Dec 22nd 1866:  HONESTY – We are much gratified to announce that the purse lost by old John GUY, the sexton, was picked up by a lad, the son of Mr. H. WHEELER, a fisherman, and by him returned to our venerable friend GUY, both of whom are undoubtedly happier for what has taken place.

Dec 22nd 1866:  STEAMBOAT ACCIDENT – One of the Portsmouth and Ryde Company’s steamers, Prince Albert, met with an accident on Wednesday evening last. She was moored at Portsmouth, with fires banked to be ready at 3 o’clock for the conveyance of the morning mail to Ryde.  Exceedingly tempestuous weather came on, and the vessel was beat against the pier until the paddlebox, wheel and after-sponson was crushed by the violence of the waves.  A large wherry was immediately despatched to Ryde with the bags.

Dec 29th 1866:  RYDE CLOCKS – It is high time something was done in order that the public should not be so misled as they are at the present, with reference to the correct time of day.  For months past there have been from eight to ten minutes difference in the various clocks of the town, and none of them ever denote the same time as the clock at the railway station. The erection of the new clock at the Town Hall, the gift of a benevolent lady of this neighbourhood, will therefore be a great public boon.

Dec 29th 1866:  WANTED – by a respectable young man, a situation as In-Door Servant, or on a job—out of livery.  Could drive if required. Can have a good character.  Address G.L.. “Observer Office, Ryde.

Dec 29th 1866:  THANKS -To all who read our lines we tender our heartfelt thanks, assuring them that the past year has added to our circulation; at the same time informing our patrons, in return, that it shall be our endeavor, as public journalists, not to allow anything to interfere with that we deem the bounden duty of the Press in our record of passing events.  May the coming year be one of prosperity to the inhabitants of the “Garden Isle,” so that at its close they may be enabled to say it has really been a happy one.